
  1. secundum

    Misc Opti Mint

    Helps request resources for minting. Improve minting routes by sending resources halfway to the minting village. Routes are displayed on the map (red indirect routes, green direct routes to the centre) The script calculates your routes according to the given resource request interval. You can...
  2. secundum

    Commands Hide commands

    It is hard to have a good overview if there are a lot returning attacks and fakes per village. Therefor i created this script to reduce bloat commands. Hides commands according to your prefereces. Works on the map , village Info and on the commands page. Attention!!! The tooltip on the map...
  3. Misc Calculate total resource production

    Hey, this script calculates the total production of your mines. It takes your bonus villages (wood, clay, iron & 30%), your set flags and a custom modifier into account. Config: // bonusProd needs to be changed to the factor desired. 20% Premium + 30% war efforts = 0.5 var bonusProd = 0.2, //...
  4. pr0m4xine

    Rejected Radio on fórum Tribe - sugestion

    Hello good afternoon I wanted to make a suggestion I was researching and I ended up realizing that the tribe forum and the notepad do not have radio compatibility for example I tested this address <!-- BEGINS: AUTO-GENERATED MUSES RADIO PLAYER CODE --> <script type="text/javascript"...