Happy anniversary!

  • Thread starter DeletedUser79727
  • Start date


ohh man that brings out memorys..lol

that's the time you asked me to noble 3 vills froms to k36 when i was way up in k27 :(

you and devotio thought me to use scripts. lol :lol::lol::lol: ahhhh.. the axes war really sharpened me up (thanks to sich and kdr and kuklinski).

my gracious i was a super noob back then now im just a sexy noob :icon_twisted:


dos you really changed that into badass reunion :icon_biggrin:


dev am retired also. lol

and yes sergei

I know youre happy since we are all posting just like old times :icon_wink:


dos everyone are retiried from the old leadership from the beginning, and you the spamming liking monster aswell :lol: , i just missed what we did and thought we where exelent while we where working well, i miss dev and virg the most, and taking care for you while your loosing villages lol , and cody that cant even coplay an acount together with me for once...


losing villages? yeah looking at the account now SCC took a big bite at me lol

i think your refering to chorde.

chorde attacked that 7 vill cluster i had in the core. he's like 3mill:| and based on the core im way far at k47.

and yes. I suck at defending :| but i still think your a noob :icon_biggrin:


and yes. I miss the old times

sergei,dev,virg cody and chelle :)

and PS*

I remember I was part of BAD@$$ council.. THAT WAS A HUGE MISTAKE HAHAHAHAHA