World 8 on Speed


For the next 2-3 months we will be running 48 hour rounds on the speed world that emulate our current worlds.

The eighth round will be emulating World 8 of course!

First 100 people in are free, after that it is only 1 premium point to join the world. If you have ever wanted to play a high speed version of World 8 or a high speed version of settings you've never tried, here's your chance!

Settings Include the following:

Techs: 3 Level System
No Bonus Villages
No farm rule
Morale: active (time based)
Church: not active
Archers: No
Fake Limit: not active

I will activate the world later today, and it will appear here:

Feel free to use your world forums/discussion forums to figure out your groups, and make sure you stop by the Speed World Forums to let everyone know you're coming! :)

World 8's round will start Monday June 8th at 09:00 Server Time, and will run for 48 hours. There of course is sleep mode for those who need to sleep/work :p So bring your friends, set up teams and see if you could outlast your neighbors on a high speed world!
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wait.... can we take Jpolman with us? we make 2 tribes Bloc and Abloc :lol:
i bring Wizards in if u can bring JP :)


I prefer these shorter limits. It annoys me on the week long ones when you wake up dead. Or the fact that #1 player allways has about 30 friends helping him by gifting villages to him and passing him resources.. It's that reason (and mod problems) that I quit speed before..


Aye, the longer lasting speed rounds with no sleep timer are a real pain, the couple of tag team accounts always win and unless you can stay awake for 3 days, you don't really stand a chance.

However 48hr speed rounds, that sounds alright :)