Your biggest mistake


accidentally clicking the store packets before they went to half price after i had been storing for a week.

they went to half price on 7 so i was a little excited to clickity click. :icon_redface:


Biggest mistake I made, was allowing REL/THE to merge. It didn't work, but we wasn't to know that. At the time, it was a great idea.

spleen mage

Biggest mistake I made, was allowing REL/THE to merge. It didn't work, but we wasn't to know that. At the time, it was a great idea.

Yeah. Turns out we were more powerful as two seperate tribes though, sadly. Did seem like a good idea at the time though.


How did you guys start talking about that anyway?

I was burnt out, after running the #1 tribe for well over a year, it pushed me too far, I needed a break. I knew JP was an excellent leader, different than my own style, but I knew he could do the job. So one day, I mailed JP to see how he'd feel about leading REL/THE. He accepted.

The problem was, too many player relied on me, rather than the tribe. Not many people liked JP unfortunitly.

JP tried his hardest and it was hard for him that so many people wouldn't listen to him. He did a great job, but too many people by that point were giving up, leaving.

Eventually, I planned on making a new tribe, make things interesting; JP found out, kicked me out, so all the ex RELians followed me.

We did remerge, but it wasn't the same and NO was eventually formed.


well we all know that that was the biggest mistake, but I meant after that one.


Clayparrot - who was all for creating a tribe, she turned us against eachother, then joined KNT

Wow Dt, i never knew this. Just a quick question was theclyparrot a 50 yr old pervert or the 17 yr old girl that posted her/his pic on the forums??


Thought so, dude that is just gross. Pretty funny how everyone thought she was so hot though, LOL. I feel so bad for your tribe though, it really takes the veneer off the game.


Watch Nuke Die Beneath Me.

I'd hardly say that doing your best to keep NUKErs alive and well would be dumb, mate - especially since you did pull it off successfully, by giving us all new goals to look forward to.

Never got the chance to do it publicly, so I say a big, big thank you to the Sarge is in order from all NUKErs, especially from me (you know why, mate).

Time to smile together in the face of the enemy again. ;)


The first, pretending to be the second.

She was both actually.

The true clayparrot was the older woman, but she became very ill and had to leave the game so her daughter, the younger, took the account over.