Progress? or stalemate? U decide.


Ok, i know many use stats To determine out comes in war. Any great leader can and will tell you stats do not tell all. progress,growth and Gained ground show a bit more.

Now, Myself, i look a bit deeper into just nobling stats. Why? well as players become barbed, inactive or hit with attacks we tend to see things a bit differnt when looking at maps and other stats.. then just the enoblements. Now, i promissed a differnt storm this year. We are changing, adapting, and growing. Atm we are ahead in just the pure nobling stats.. but thats not my goal here.. my goal is to continue to hold off the east, continue to expand onto those barb munching tribes within us, and to also push past the eastern borders beyond that of which is determined ours.

This months op have been a great sucess for us, and deus has had a few of their own. The war seems to be in a stalemate.. but is it? I will let you all decide.

Storm nov.
Storm now
Deus Nov.
Deus now

Storm F. has lost 14 memebrs and show a gain of almost 4000 villages.

Deus has lost 16 members and gained almost 400 villages.

pretty interesting stuff!

Great job to both sides. enjoy the maps.



Just a curious question, when a player is kicked/leaves, does it remove 'x' amount of villages they owned, and vice versa if you add players to your tribe does it add 'x' amount of villages they own to the totals?


I feel embarrassed posting my maps again. There goes my self esteem again... And to think I almost had it all back again. Nice one wIz.

GO Storm!


Just a curious question, when a player is kicked/leaves, does it remove 'x' amount of villages they owned, and vice versa if you add players to your tribe does it add 'x' amount of villages they own to the totals?

yes?I doubt it was a serious question:icon_neutral:


well im pretty sure(but not 100%) that Wiz calculated Deus total player/total vill on the 15 (when wars being declared) and then today,and same for storm,so I guess the answer to your question was yes:icon_biggrin:
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Just a curious question, when a player is kicked/leaves, does it remove 'x' amount of villages they owned, and vice versa if you add players to your tribe does it add 'x' amount of villages they own to the totals?

yes, when a player leaves, their villages do not stay in the totals. Therefor, tubby and the few large players i dismissed were not added in the last total, but due to the fact the were here on nov 15 they are in there.. the numbers KK are from start of war.. total villages. to what you see in the tribes totals now.


Alright, not sure if my question was answered or not here.. Let me try a different example.

'x' player has 500 villages.
S²orm F.'s growth is 1.000 villages.

If 'x' is kicked/left/barbs, does the growth stay at 1.000, or does it negatively impact the total to 500?

Vice versa

If 'x' has 500 villages and joins S²orm F., does the growth go up by 500 villages to a total of 1.500, or does it stay at 1.000?


Alright, not sure if my question was answered or not here.. Let me try a different example.

'x' player has 500 villages.
S²orm F.'s growth is 1.000 villages.

If 'x' is kicked/left/barbs, does the growth stay at 1.000, or does it negatively impact the total to 500? This

Vice versa

If 'x' has 500 villages and joins S²orm F., does the growth go up by 500 villages This to a total of 1.500, or does it stay at 1.000?

infact your question was already answered,the total village being calculated from the ranking page,from the 15 (wars being declared) till now.and same being done for Deus,so any movement of player(quiting/barb/joining) is calculated for both side.
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infact your question was already answered,the total village being calculated from the ranking page,from the 15 (wars being declared) till now.and same being done for Deus,so any movement of player(quiting/barb/joining) is calculated for both side.

Wiz just said it wasn't though. :icon_confused:

I think. :icon_neutral:


KK the way i see it is like this:

The figures are net gains of each tribe's total villages. So when a player leaves/deletes then it would be subtracted from the tribes total amount of villages, therefore lessening the tribes net gains.

I hope that makes it clearer.


yes, when a player leaves, their villages do not stay in the totals. Therefor, tubby and the few large players i dismissed were not added in the last total, but due to the fact the were here on nov 15 they are in there.. the numbers KK are from start of war.. total villages. to what you see in the tribes totals now.

KK the way i see it is like this:

The figures are net gains of each tribe's total villages. So when a player leaves/deletes then it would be subtracted from the tribes total amount of villages, therefore lessening the tribes net gains.

I hope that makes it clearer.

Head hurts now. :icon_sad:


To argue against the case that s2orm has made alot more conquers than Deus from here to now is the fact that s2orm is two tribes, that put together, are alot more players than Deus as a single tribe. So obviously s2orm would gain much more Deus on village total than Deus would.

But to say the least, Deus should have more conquer gains than 400+ since november :l. Good work s2orm on the conquer stats, bad Deus *whips*


To argue against the case that s2orm has made alot more conquers than Deus from here to now is the fact that s2orm is two tribes, that put together, are alot more players than Deus as a single tribe. So obviously s2orm would gain much more Deus on village total than Deus would.

But to say the least, Deus should have more conquer gains than 400+ since november :l. Good work s2orm on the conquer stats, bad Deus *whips*

If I understood Wiz right, he included players of ours who have got kicked/left/gone barb, but not on his own. So in total with every person that has gone out of Deus, we've risen 400 villages.

I also understood it as every recruit that S²orm F. takes in, they add in the villages per player, so adding 10 members to S²orm² would increase it.

Might be wrong, though. :icon_confused:

Either way, good maps. :)


2 Deus 250.230.752 346.414.111 74 4.681.272 35853 9.662
if we lost 16, that means we were at 90 before. If we gained 400 vills, that means we had ~400x10000 points less in Nov.

342/90 = 3.8m/player then
Close to 4.7m/player now, for Deus.

1 S²ORM 302.744.273 512.838.915 94 5.455.733 52185 9.827
6 S²ORM² 117.080.687 137.491.448 65 2.115.253 14008 9.815
lost 14 members, so 94+65+14 = 173 members back in Nov.
+4000x10000 points, so back in nov: 513+137-40 = 610m
610/173 = 3.5m/player

Now: 650/159 = 4.0m/player

Deus gained on average .9 million per player
Storm gained on average .5 million per player.

Thanks for allowing me to make up my own mind. I appreciate that. :icon_redface:


would be better if he use average village points per a tribe and just not 10,000