The Secret Allaince I Never Knew I wanted....


Look at that.. They make a line... AN EFFIN LINE... Ohh German color themed to make it look nicer.

Fear - Black
Psyko - Red
~DBS~ - Yellow


Yea.. I know....


What is this I don't even....


I always wanted North :icon_cool:

But your 4 villas aren't so juicy....
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Deleted User - 3135

Would have been a prettier picture back in the day when FEAR controlled K24 :icon_wink:


Since I plan on single handedly owning the 4 core Ks I see I must destroy this alliance.

I think I'll wait until they get a few more tribes involved to even the odds.


Since I plan on single handedly owning the 4 core Ks I see I must destroy this alliance.

I think I'll wait until they get a few more tribes involved to even the odds.

I plan on nobling core players that think they are better than they actually are.


Na, they were #1 in K24 your seeing them going down not up :icon_wink:

With all the respect, but i don't think we will stay in k34. We have to expand in the nearby continents, also k24 :icon_wink:

Deleted User - 3135

With all the respect, but i don't think we will stay in k34. We have to expand in the nearby continents, also k24 :icon_wink:

You've already lost once to us, what really makes you think you will beat us next time :icon_wink:

I plan on nobling core players that think they are better than they actually are.

Free-eek > yourself. Let's just accept that one.


With all the respect, but i don't think we will stay in k34. We have to expand in the nearby continents, also k24 :icon_wink:

Well better pick a different direction mate cause here there be monsters :icon_twisted:


Cheggs isn't as dangerous as they think they are..:icon_wink:


Cheggs isn't as dangerous as they think they are..:icon_wink:

Hmmm... must be easy to say that from the south side of K34... If you were in K24 you might be singing a different tune.

But thats moot anyway, FEAR was #1 in K24 now they are #8 the the facts dont support FEAR taking K24.


Hmmm... must be easy to say that from the south side of K34... If you were in K24 you might be singing a different tune.

But thats moot anyway, FEAR was #1 in K24 now they are #8 the the facts dont support FEAR taking K24.

You now that is BS. A couple of comrades left us and formed A. That is why we've lost the first place in the continent. Doesn't matter actualy, because i'm rather in a small tribe then a big tribe.. We're loosing our death weight right now.

I saw some incomming trains from cheggs, and that timing wasn't so impressive..:) But you're right, im in the south so for now i don't have anything to do with Cheggs;)


All i'm gonna say is less talking more nobling guys!!

Fight then put some stats up :)