Official Declaration of War


We, GRIND!, declare war on *TLA* as of this moment. It has come to our attention that the NAP set into place has neither been honored nor acknowledged, thus making it null and void. On the grounds of said lack of acknowledgement, we openly state this agreement to no longer exist and the terms and conditions of it no longer be valid. Therefore, there will be no three day grace period of the breaking of said NAP.

It has been shown that these statements are both truthful and grounds for such measures in other threads, as I'm sure will be shown many times more over to appease the naysayers. We trust, that our enemies will find our troops upon their lands soon and theirs upon ours. The battle lines of this world have been drawn and now will be pushed to the favor of the victors of the countless battles that will ensue forthwith.

To my comrades in arms of GRIND!, rally your men for battle once more, sound the war drums, and fly our banners high. Ride hard, ride swift, and ride with courage and a sure blade. May you find warm flesh for your weapons to rest in and battered walls of our enemies fortifications.

To our enemies, we say prepare for what has the making of a long and bloody war. We shall give no quarter nor expect any in return from you. Brew up plenty of beer for we will be thirsty after ravaging your villages and taking your spoils from past battles. If when you see our armies drawing near and hear our battle rattle, you wish to run or hide in huddled masses do not fret. We will make quick work of those that refrain from standing against us. For those that wish to prove their value, we look forward to meeting you on the fields of battle.


Wow that is pathetic.

Mr token and Jobetopia, I laugh at your integrity. GRIND are now a dishonourable tribe in my eyes. I thought I could trust your word in this one, and my closest members believed me in this. I spit on your supposed honour.

As you know, I will take this as a challenge. I thought we would be going for a fair battle, both planned and a fair tactical battle, with no underhand, sneaky surprises. I never planned to jump on the foe myself.

I don't take word breakers seriously, and this will come to haunt you I am sure. Now I have never been more determined to defeat a leadership resembling the old DSL. You are a bunch of hypocrites :)

Good luck to you guys, lets enjoy this. I won't be taking this war lightly, I will go for this with all my resolve. Thank you for making this a challenge. Though we have been surprised, we will be ready soon.

Best Wishes.

Leader of *TLA*


Excellent and well I find it funny that silenthro who I thought was not a Duke in Grind has declared this and that you guys are the ones who are directly responsible for breaking the NAP. Well I will wait for the real Dukes of Grind to make this post so either Mr Jr Token or sweenster please come on and confirm this. So after YOU guys break the NAP you declare war sorry I just found this the most amusing post since I played this game. So the leaders in Grind can not keep their members in check well I will wait until I see one incoming to any of my fellow tribe members than I will release my nukes.


Well we expected no less.. always been this way. We keep our word, other break theirs, we get blamed. Rubbish.

Is that the only comment you can make now? Good grief.. I expected more than a finger pointing.

You guys really believe your own lies.. It's so funny to read your posts now. Totally fabricated and nothing but really bad propaganda.. Sorry guys, it's totally lame. You know who broke this NAP before the day was even out.


Hardly janjim. I have never broken my word, think you should go speak to your leaders since they know themselves they have broken their word this time. They know it, I know it, and if they now deny it to me in my face, I will truly think they are pathetic.

But then again, fair play, this is a game after all, and if they are here to win, then breaking words does apply. Just something I don't indulge in.

Good luck!



Look at it this way you recruited Spartan and penguin in grind Ks not even a day after the nap we let it slide, you push our borders in various K's then iscenn nobles slap bang in the middle of K85 4 days ago.

If it was the other way around you would be declaring on us.

Now i have alot of respect for you Sam, and you were the only reason the nap was granted, but you should have be careful where you recruit and noble.

Oh yeah and Silenther0 is part of the Grind council so the declaration is valid.

This could have been prevent but you continued to push our faith in you.



Its fine King, you should probably see where GRIND has pushed the NAP. I can probably state a more sizeable list than you have done so yourself. But whatever the case, I would have contacted Mr Token myself and let him know that I would be declaring in 3 days, as per agreed. I think its a little silly to see a tribe trying to jump the gun to gain an advantage at this late stage of the game. Honestly didn't think Token and Jobe would break their word, thats all.

:) anyway we should be having fun, just got a late night ahead of me haha. No hard feelings.
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we broke the agreement? you have been attacking our members (here and there) for over a week now. maybe 2 weeks if you include the attacks on daryl.


Bye GRIND...

I myself know nothing about anything between these tribes but I do know TLA got all the positives of the collapse of NN and none of the negatives, while GRIND gained naught more than a quieter war front for a few weeks. And now you blew it. :)

This is also honestly the most depressing PnP I've ever seen >_> A war that's supposed to decide the world should have a bit more substance :p I mean sheesh, you didn't even put a list of grievances or any proof and you're expecting to convince anyone in or out of TLA that they did something wrong?

Have fun. ;)



Bah I can't be an inactive nub anymore. Blast it, effort ftl D:


Quite frankly Shards, could care less if we convinced anyone of anything :p Wasn't the intent of this declaration to sway choices of anyone, only to state that we were going to war. I kept it short and sweet, no reason to fill it up with a bunch of rambling really. No need of any lists or the sort, just a simple "we aren't happy with the situation, so time for war".

I think we will have fun though ;)


Quite frankly Shards, could care less if we convinced anyone of anything :p Wasn't the intent of this declaration to sway choices of anyone, only to state that we were going to war. I kept it short and sweet, no reason to fill it up with a bunch of rambling really. No need of any lists or the sort, just a simple "we aren't happy with the situation, so time for war".

I think we will have fun though ;)

If its anything like the first one it'll be interesting for two weeks then get extremely boring. -.-'


To every single player in GRIND. You are all honorless. I spit on your so called honor. I spit upon your leaders.

I recall once that Docke stated how a proper NAP should be dropped. And I recall reading how he did it with honor. But I guess JR JOKING is just as honorless now as he was when he attempted to stab Shadow in the back.

I wish you all the absolute worst of luck.


I suppose we will see if Grind! look to surrender to us within a month like last time.

Good luck to both our sides (as one of us will need it), as this could either be a quick blast or a very prolonged and bloody war.

On the PnP, I find it funny, that we have yet to hear from either of the Dukes of Grind! This was written and posted by a council member with another council member vouching for it? I know at least one of your Dukes is online right now, as he and I are about to do a little nuke dance, so why would they leave something as important as the declaration on the biggest opponent to date to a council member who only joined a few days ago??? Strange to me, not a flame, just strange.


Also this is a piss poor declaration very possibly the worst I have seen for either tribe.


The declareation war poor (I need pics) I give it a 3/10.

Also I spit on u too!!! Now take that!!!!


Thanks Slayer ;) I really do value your opinion on the subject.


Just about every Nap that has been broken on this world the tribe didnt follow the honorable ways of going about breaking the nap so this is no suprise. I am cheering for Grind but I wish they would at least give a 24hr grace period which is what should be the standard period of a NAP. Can't wait to see the stats!! Go Grind, good luck to my friends in TLA.