Old Timers.


haha.....totally forgot zarddeath lol. Yea, i made sure to make his life very busy ;)

Mule Kicker

Look at my villages named war, those are villages i took of active ZIP, i call them WARRIOR out of respect for the old owner who is a warrior. we will meet in battle sooner or later, when 1 side is victor i promise no excuses for my failure or victory.

I can be considered a warrior because if i get smashed i wont run, but i stand and fight to the last village.


I remember more people than I thought I would. Doubt many people remember me though cuz I only used this account until around 50k points, then I got some random account before i quit again.


The nostalgia in this thread is so thick I could eat it :p

Just to add a bit more... :icon_biggrin:

popping into say hai to everyone, hope all is well for people, Charles im really sorry about the whole tribe thing, its been a stupidly busy last few months, but i should have made more effort to inform you.

Oh and I think i remember everyone in this thread, wow has it been that long :icon_eek:


Funny thing was Wallam that some people were quite disappointed by your no-show :icon_razz:

PM me when you've got some time and we'll set you up with an Account :)

On-topic.....zomg sLowhand!!!!!!1!!!one!!!1!! :icon_eek:


Funny thing was Wallam that some people were quite disappointed by your no-show :icon_razz:

PM me when you've got some time and we'll set you up with an Account :)

On-topic.....zomg sLowhand!!!!!!1!!!one!!!1!! :icon_eek:

:icon_eek: Someones been giving out rumours on my playing skills again, you seem to be doing fine without me :icon_redface:

Plus unfortunately its still a stupidly busy period, and the thought of farming again makes me shudder horribly :icon_razz:

And ye sLowhand is a name i havent seen since way back when deja vu was still around :icon_surprised:


:icon_eek: Someones been giving out rumours on my playing skills again, you seem to be doing fine without me :icon_redface:

Plus unfortunately its still a stupidly busy period, and the thought of farming again makes me shudder horribly :icon_razz:

And ye sLowhand is a name i havent seen since way back when deja vu was still around :icon_surprised:

Quit bein' lazy Wallam and join in, sheesh! :p


He has :icon_wink:

He joined w51 and ended up in my 15x15. So, the question I put to y'all is, should I farm Wallam? :icon_biggrin:


for this comment i an now going to anagram your name into something as ridiculous as you.

liculbe Sas

Ha take that.


Wow, I'm so offended and shocked I don't know what to do -_-


Charles have they finished taking my villages so I can restart yet? :D