LIGHTS Leadership not trust worthy


You seriously dont get it do you? I never promised you anything i said i would make an offer or a move. My move was to let you disband and disgrace yourself for trying to gangbang us with armada while recruiting your best. Fact is you messed up and this delirious crap about you being the best leader ever has had me think of you as the biggest laughing stock on tw up there next to the biggest idiots to post on the externals. I have nothing to defend and nothing to hide so keep posting like i do because it just makes me laugh more and also btw when you disbanded azura i think all of our tribes skype room were laughing at you.

From what i know shades write without a color, Mario writes in green & sitter writes in red(Lt.Avata said on this thread, that he is the sitter).

So the writting is not green it means it was not you, so you do not need to explain the statement. The person who can explain his statements is shade.

Yeah we all were laughing.

And to your question. No he doesn't get it. He just wants an offer. so he can come on here and try to make a case that he got us or something.

And I told him what to do. Tell those members to contact me to join Lights. But only 1 member contacted me about joining Lights. And that person changed his mind when we found out we were in a war. Said he didn't want to be in a war :icon_eek:

Yes it is going to be.

I would like to awnser points but I want shade to come and explain things about the conversation and his statements, and his discussion with me.

I would take this to the next level when shade would come along and explain his statements.

wow you are thickheaded:

Here he stated he would make an offer after the tribe was disbanded.
-GuidingLight- on 25.06. at 06:04
I will wait then till i see it has been disbanded to make any further offers or moves.

Let me give you an english lesson you fool.

IT clearly says in plain english he will WAIT to see AFTER it has been disbanded to make any "FURTHER" offers or moves... It does not say I promise to make a move or to merge you guys in after disband. No none of that. It says UNTIL I SEE will make further moves, SO AFTER THE DISBAND he will reconsider the situation assess it and then make FURTHER MOVES. Stop being an ignorant illiterate imbecile.


/end rage

Sorry but this is frustratingly stupid beyond measure, I dont know whether to cry(in pity) or laugh(at stupidity) at Shahn.

P.S: Im not a lights member.

I am not thick head it is simple, this is a PnP set on Lights leadership and Shade.
Did you saw any explanation from him till now, obviouslly their is no explanation he is not defending him self. I would take it to the next level when he comes on and defend him self. I am Questioning his trustworthyness and he is still not defending himself

Q. what do you think, why he is not defending?

Obvious awnser is he cannot defend himself.

I would explain things but i do not want to let him know where i would lead him, in other words my Questions.

So keep intuned lets see what he have got.

Gear, you always forget me :icon_cry: :icon_razz:



I set this PnP on you and your trust worthyness.

You have not explained your statements, Please explain them so we can where it lead us.

Obviouslly u cannot defend yourself, since the acusation i layed on you are true and I provided the proof. So lets come along and have some fun.


@ shahzad (offtopic) [spoil]
One of the common themes I find in your posts is thinking about language as if it was mathematics. A sentence is more than the sum of its parts. The message that someone is trying to convey cannot be ascertained by breaking down individual words. Thus finding fault with individual parts, does not void the entire equation (ie. sentence).

In english, sometimes "you" refers to a singular person, and sometimes it means globally. Eg. If you don't recycle you are harming the environment. This does not mean YOU specifically, but rather People in general. It has the same meaning as "If people don't recycle, they are harming the environment". In this thread (and yes I read it all) you sometimes means Shahzad, sometimes it means Azura leadership, sometimes it means Azura tribe (everyone) etc. [/spoil]
@ topic:
-GuidingLight- on 25.06. at 06:04
I will wait then till i see it has been disbanded to make any further offers or moves.

I do not believe this sentence is meant to deceive anyone however it is difficult to judge motive based on one sentence. This could be (as you say) a condition that needs to be satisfied before something else happens: (eg. First disband, then i will offer you something like a merge, or top players only, etc etc). 2nd, You must also consider that an offer of nothing is still an offer. 3rd It could also be interpreted as a polite way of saying GFY.
Sometimes people tell "white-lies" in order to avoid hurting someone's feelings (eg. No you don't look fat in that, or Sorry recruitment to our tribe is closed right now) or to postpone a discussion for a more appropriate time. (eg. a job interview that went poorly but they say "we'll be in contact with you" even though they know they will send you a rejection letter, they do not want to make the current situation more uncomfortable for the people involved.[/spoil]
The point: Language has many subtleties that are not always conveyed in the best ways but it doesn't speak to the integrity, leadership quality, or otherwise of the speaker.
Disclaimer: I apologize in advance if this is flaming. I am new to forum posting and don't quite know the etiquette.

Thanks for putting your time and effort into the post.

Its better that shade defend himself. When he would start defending things would open up and i wopuld open some other points. I am not doing it, since i do not want to let him know ehat would be my questions. I would take it to a diffrent direction than you would understand things better. Let Shade defend himself, when he starts defending you would understand the senario better.

BTW u might not know on the external shade lost 1-3 argument and than never replied on those arguments, so he know what he is up against. He is being cautious, just posting off topc to show he is reading but not defending himself. If u r not guilty defencd yourself.

I think you were not flaming and it was a well thought out post.
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Shade writes in green.

I write in red when I was the account sit. You talked to Mario and I the most.

So what explanation would you like? That you don't understand the sentence that was told to you? No one promised you an offer.
I have told you many times. If you or your ex-tribemates would like to join Lights. Then mail me and we can start that process. If that is too hard for you. Please stop posting this nonsense in the externals.


I think i smelled something stupid around here...
ohhh xshahzad, bro how are u? :icon_cool:

-M A R I O-

Are you just dumb or just seriously ignorent. :/
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I am sure no body will blame me for not bothering to defend myself against you xshahzad,Since its apparent I don't need defending against you mate :icon_biggrin:

FYI - I write in green. :icon_twisted:


Wow still debating on whether it was a promise or not? I seriously don't see the point of arguing about when it clearly was not a promise and not even implied as a promise.


50 people who know the english language all say that Guiding Light did not offer anything, but no Shahn clearly states that he is right. 50>1.


50 people who know the english language all say that Guiding Light did not offer anything, but no Shahn clearly states that he is right. 50>1.

Nahhhh :p since the 1 one is xshahzad, then 1>50. You forgot that he´s "best leader in RL let alone TW", and that he knows what he´s doing. :icon_rolleyes:

roflroflrofl thread :p


Nahhhh :p since the 1 one is xshahzad, then 1>50. You forgot that he´s "best leader in RL let alone TW", and that he knows what he´s doing. :icon_rolleyes:

eh... just let him be...

we need to consider about a significant percentage in the community, may it be in real life or whichever, don't really do well in any "area"..

and another percentage among those that I've indicated from the paragraph above, hate to be who they are (although time and again they have been flaunting their LOSER-ness)

so... to please themselves and make them feel good, they gotta self-compliment themselves, thus this is what happens... :icon_razz:

Khan The Master


I have to agree with you on all the points you made. Ignore the other 50 people I think Shade has a lot of questions to answer and your the man to ask them.

He has questioned your epic leadership by making you disband your tribe with his words:icon_eek:

And don't be confused if someone calls you gullible you are not you are just a trusting manager.

I for one cannot wait for you to get your answers and show Shade up for what he really is.
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I am sure no body will blame me for not bothering to defend myself against you xshahzad,Since its apparent I don't need defending against you mate :icon_biggrin:

FYI - I write in green. :icon_twisted:

Ok that is fine.

So it was mario.

Mario replied earlier I would take it from their.

You are fine, let me take it tio mario.

Lol... You cant argue with an idiot. You just cant win.

u know their r two sides of the story. Person X think that person Y is an idiot, person Y thinks that person X is an ididot. Now both are right in their own thinking.

Now about arguing, I think it is better to discuss things, I do not want to argue with you. Currently on this PnP the only one I want to argue is shades. So if you want to argue i am not an idiot to argue with you. If you want to disccuss you are more than welcome.


So it was mario.

Mario replied earlier I would take it from their.

You are fine, let me take it tio mario.

Currently on this PnP the only one I want to argue is shades.

This just gets more comical with every post. Not even sure who he wants to blame anymore. :lol:


You seriously dont get it do you? I never promised you anything i said i would make an offer or a move. My move was to let you disband and disgrace yourself for trying to gangbang us with armada while recruiting your best.

Now since shade informed me that he writes in green and you do not write with a color. Bcardi writes in Red. So now here is our mail discussion.


-GuidingLight- on 01.07. at 07:23

We never accepted any deal of yours i hope that you know this. We are only considering a few of your old members. So do not get all delusional that you have had your little deal accepted.

bigevan3 on 01.07. at 07:29

Really telling you the truth, I just wanted you to fulfil your promis and make an offer what ever that might be.

It is not for myself but for you that you keep your promises.



-GuidingLight- on 01.07. at 07:29
We never made any promises LOL how are you this delusional?

bigevan3 on 01.07. at 07:31
In this mail you stated this.


-GuidingLight- said:
I will wait then till i see it has been disbanded to make any further offers or moves.

-GuidingLight- on 01.07. at 07:39
I stated that i never promised you anything.

bigevan3 on 01.07. at 07:45
So what is the diffrence between statement and promis?

Ok let me put it this way, You stated that you would make an offer when Azura would be disbande, so keep your words and make an offer.


-GuidingLight- on 01.07. at 07:46
Why are you so intent on this when most all of the people you would want to mail us to join would not even come close to our requirements?

bigevan3 on 01.07. at 07:57

As i stated earlier I wanted you to uphold your words(credibility), you can walk away without making any offer but where it would lead you. In Your heart you would always feel guilty. I just wanted to save you from that guilt.

I really do not want you to recruit all 8 of them, but the at least 1-6 members. You already recruited 1 members of Azura. You merged BOLT 5 members into LIGHTS, I belive Azura was far better.

When you stated
Author said:
Well have those limited members contact RileyDuke and we will go from there.

I belived that you want to keep your words.


-GuidingLight- on 01.07. at 07:59
Lol you really think i would feel guilty for something that i never even made a promise on let alone over a game.

I never wrote that our sitter did hence the red writing.

bigevan3 on 01.07. at 08:05
You really think this is a game and you would not feel guilty, I can ashure you that you would. the red writting is your sitter but when the statement was made it was from you.

Please make an offer what ever that might be.



Now I made this PnP depending upon our this discussion.

Especially on these two points,

1) I stated that i never promised you anything.
2) Lol you really think i would feel guilty for something that i never even made a promise on let alone over a game.

Now my questions are, which u never replied.

Q1) According to you what is the diffrence between a statement and promise?
Q2) According to you lying is?
(a) Good (b) Bad (c) other (Please explain)
Q3) Is it fair to lie in a game?

-M A R I O-

1. A statement does not hold me to any obligations or bindings. (Hint: Learn english better before trying to debate the meaning of two words)
2. I wouldnt know I dont lie. :)
3. I dont know your the one who had on his profile that you lie a lot so you would know best.

Fact is you got played and it was all to easy for me. I never promised you anything and told you that i would make an offer or a move. My move was to let you disgrace yourself and make you out to be the idiot that you are :). Which from my stand point seems to have worked like a charm as you have been so easily persuaded to screw over your tribe for your own benefit, and thus been flamed non stop after everyone of your postings by mostly people that are not even affiliated with lights.
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Q1) According to you what is the diffrence between a statement and promise? Promises can be deceiving and are sometimes never followed through. Statement is setting forth a fact. He did neither. I honestly don't understand what you are still trying to get at. "Contact Rileyduke and we'll go from there". That doesn't mean "OH ALL OF YOU ARE ACCEPTED". It means simply that they will figure out what to do with your members. And again, doing nothing is an action.

Q2) According to you lying is? Lying is when a statement that is declared is known to the person who said it to be false. Again, in this case, he did not lie. He didn't say anywhere that all of your members would be accepted, or actually GIVE YOU AN OFFER. Do you want me to bold print that, put it in majesty, or frame it on your wall? God, it's like you take the feedback from everyone else and wipe your bottom with it.

Q3) Is it fair to lie in a game? Yes. How do you think top tribes get to where they are? Lying is what happens in the world. If you can't lie, you won't go far.