

I've been known to be quite...special. That being said, I learned something incredible today. Most of you may not know who I am, but I promise by the end of this world you will. Every day I see TW players bicker among themselves about who is a better player. What could possibly make a better TW player than a smart person? TW requires timing, activity, and above all else, intelligence. Making the right plays at the right time is what makes a TW player great. Where am I going with this you might wonder? I have recently discovered I am a genius. What better way to measure intelligence than with an IQ score? IQ tests are easy to find and 100% accurate. Why do you get different results? Depending on your mindset and how alert you are, some days you could be smarter than on others. This day was a bad day for me...BUT I STILL MANAGED TO SCORE ON GENIUS LEVELS. What was my score you ask? I got a score of 65 :cool:. This puts me in the 1 percentile. That means only 1 percent of people are smarter than me. I don't mean to brag, but on a scale of 1-10 on the genius scale I'm probably a high 9. I don't want you guys to fear me for my vast intelligence. I also do not want your praise. I am as humble as I am a genius which is precisely why I am a better person than you. My IQ reflects in my TW game play. I could easily conquer anyone at any time by using my genius tactics. Want an example? Here is my genius at work:

First, I begin perfoming advanced integral calculus to calculate the most likely course of action my enemy will take


I then find my light bulb idea


Now it is time to act!

I once sent 4 attacks timed 100ms apart with rams to trick a player into believing it was a noble train. He quickly moved his defense away from my REAL target giving me an EASY victory. Peasant. You may have more troops, but I have more IQ. If IQ was nukes, I would have 65 nukes. Good luck stopping 65 nukes. This world, like endless knowledge, is mine. Revere me for what I am. Admire my humble aura. Quiver at the sight of my elaborate plans. I have ascended to another plane of understanding. Like a 2D object in a 3D world you can no longer affect me.

I have peaked.

I am Pain.


Sad to see anyone hating on you... :/

Pure comedic genius. Peasants don't understand 200 IQ moves. or I mean 65 IQ moves... Keep doing PAINAL, and let the rabble rabble


Still Going Strong
Reaction score
Sad to see anyone hating on you... :/

Pure comedic genius. Peasants don't understand 200 IQ moves. or I mean 65 IQ moves... Keep doing PAINAL, and let the rabble rabble

Sad to see anyone hating on you... :/

Pure comedic genius. Peasants don't understand 200 IQ moves. or I mean 65 IQ moves... Keep doing NEF DADDY, and let the rabble rabble