Taxi Company Expands Operations


Kekua Jul 30, 06:27
hey mate, what happened, got backstabed too?


Conscience Aug 01, 12:06
I was in hospital passed my sit and came back to my villas being nobled with troops running hours out :(


Kekua Aug 01, 12:09
How come, they did obvious harm to your account, to gain advantage. :thinking_face:

Who was sitting you?

Conscience Aug 01, 12:11
I know but the new rule states that whoever you pass the sit too is using the account under the impression of how the account holder would use it.

The account got passed around

Stunz, Guy with no humor, epinephrine


Question to Tribalwatrs team, admins, and everyone on externals - is this normal, has this game come to this?

I really hope thees trash of a players will be banned and hopefully will never come back to this game!

P.S. Stunz is there diplomat, anyone who deals with them should take in account that he is back-stabber (and this has been done to there own members)!


To see inevitable TAXI down-fall all you have to do is check world map, I love to see this arrogant kindergarten tribe to suffer in agony. (except for few players that are just hostages of situation)
This is like TW2 fighting with TW, where one is filled with rich arrogant pickles with no moral, no honor in there given word and responsibility (have seen this world after world, and it crashes and burns top tribes that disregard it every single time) TW community, players with principles, and leaders that see there given word as unbreakable bond will easily prevail again. :)

Few things that show there inevitable defeat:
1. All they do is focus noobs on RIM and avoid any fight that is not gang-bang on surrounded player, so that they would never have to mach against real enemy, because they know they can't win - no other explanation for that (lost there core because of it);
2. They gladly recruit traitors (even use them to delete support sections etc before jumping ship) - imagine what players like that will do under pressure);
3. There entire diplomacy is built to suck up to top tribes and use smaller local ones (deals made are ridiculousness, one of the worst negotiators I have seen in 12 years of TW plus they plan against allays while still they are allays - trash in my book!);
4. Tribe players are bombarded with bad propaganda, and "because I say so" arguments, means they play with emotion and have no understanding of strategy/tactic side of the game (or/and have no argumented grounds for there moves);
5. Although they have few decent rules in place, there entire environment demotivates there tribe, pushes players to quit, or struggle with down times - from my intel several players are already seeking out other options and are just waiting to jump this sinking ship (plus, remember 2nd argument);
6. They are cut off, there backstabbing strategies have angered rest of the world, and the only thing that saves them is word given to them by "king of the hill" - how I see it;

Silentium (or what ever name he is hiding under now) will now try to attack me with ad hominem attacks (with no facts) and how they (entire tribe) destroyed me.
For fast context - entire friends list (tribe mates) just waited for me to go to bed to attack at night - my own tribe - (as a result one of there dukes left, couldn't bear back-stabbing like that) - was expecting that though, lots of little things showed me that they are only using me, and if I say no they would jump on me, this will happen to everyone in there tribe, because top players are greedy kids on summer vacation.
Have to point out that they run out of juice in two days (very bad endurance, ineffective play stile), entire tribe total of 60 players, couldn't take out ~30 villages, this alone shows how bad there leadership actually is (OP was planed chaotic, just sending nukes from back-lines and front lines at the same time, so they had no close range nukes left when long range hit. No timing, no anti-snipes, no any skill moves at all, only after two days of sniping, recapping and capping (actually took villages of them in all this) one of them adapted. Funny thing is I'm still playing, now back to 30+ villages (barb nobbling - pains me to do that though, but want to be there when TAXI disband, and give a helping hand to TW community).

Well we all know Taxi business is outdated niche that parasite on every day people, question is - when will they see that them self?

P.S. I bet TW team love them though, there top players have spent more money then tudadar, they just don't know how to use all that extra juice, for example melchizadek who then merged in Ernestoxx, actually did not know how to play, but PP boosted every village he took to 9k, I bet Ernestoxx back-stabbed him too and just used him to steal PP boosted villages - just another gem in TAXI "glory book".
P.S.S. Made this post because forums are dead and I know externals community would love some action.

1. All they do is focus noobs on RIM and avoid any fight that is not gang-bang on surrounded player, so that they would never have to mach against real enemy, because they know they can't win - no other explanation for that (lost there core because of it);

Pushing the rim is not a bad strategy since there is less farming competition. According to the world maps they currently have majority control of k35, 45, and 46, which is more ground than any other tribe. They will probably have k34 and 36 if they continue to focus on those poor noobs along the rim. Control of those continents will grant them first dibs when rune villages appear in the area. Since there has not been a major war, we will not know if they are truly bad until they begin loosing a ton of villages.

I can not comment on #2-6 since I have not been in your shoes or played this world. What I can comment on is your failure to recognize the difference between there and their.

The words there and their are often confused and misused because they are homophones (they sound alike). A good way to remember the difference between the there and their is to remember — Here with a T is there; so it refers to a place.

While "there" refers to a place, "their" means belonging to, or associated with, a group of people (e.g., "their clothes" — clothes that belonged to them).


Pushing the rim is not a bad strategy since there is less farming competition. According to the world maps they currently have majority control of k35, 45, and 46, which is more ground than any other tribe. They will probably have k34 and 36 if they continue to focus on those poor noobs along the rim. Control of those continents will grant them first dibs when rune villages appear in the area. Since there has not been a major war, we will not know if they are truly bad until they begin loosing a ton of villages.

I can not comment on #2-6 since I have not been in your shoes or played this world. What I can comment on is your failure to recognize the difference between there and their.

The words there and their are often confused and misused because they are homophones (they sound alike). A good way to remember the difference between the there and their is to remember — Here with a T is there; so it refers to a place.

While "there" refers to a place, "their" means belonging to, or associated with, a group of people (e.g., "their clothes" — clothes that belonged to them).

Yes, their (I hope I got it right, I use English mostly as spoken language, but I'm sorry for mistakes made) logic was based on runes too, though I bet they will not get even near 70% control, so lets leave it to that - agree to disagree.

The grammar part was really helpful, and I will try to remember this law, thank you! :)


Charlton hasn't stepped down if that is the Duke you are referring to. He is less active do to health problems to one of his family member. Please don't try to spin that around.
Last edited:


I read a lot of irrelevant posts. Oh wait i'm guilty aswell now XO

Skill Issue

Skilled Soldier 2020
Reaction score
Some stats :)

Side 1:
Tribes: Dalton
Side 2:
Tribes: CAB, Taxi, -TLB-
Players: Bubbletoad

Timeframe: Forever

Total conquers:

Side 1: 1,137
Side 2: 2,370
Difference: 1,233


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 78
Side 2: 14
Difference: 64


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 5,375,982
Side 2: 10,122,867
Difference: 4,746,885


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 496,541
Side 2: 57,193
Difference: 439,348



New Member
Reaction score
hi, I'm in my first world on the net, I started selling resources and then I joined a tribe, the Vortex, destroyed by the Daltons, I think this is normal, the big fish eats the small one, I'm defending myself as I can and I'll do it until the end but I don't think there's anything heroic about it, it's just something that's part of the game, are Daltons bigger and bigger? Obviously, however, the world is long and in the meantime I make flags thanks to them: P Looking at the map of the tribes you mentioned in this 3D and the statistics you posted, it does not seem to me however that the Daltons have won, they will have my 20 villages, sooner or later, the rest have to gamble and win the best, I am rooting for TAXI, for obvious reasons, they don't attack me :)

Oliver Cloeshoff

It's easy to talk big game when one side had never decided to respond yet. But still, we'll see how the rest of Taxi's response fairs.

Timeframe: Last 24 hours

Side 1:
Tribes: Taxi, CAB
Side 2:
Tribes: Dalton

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 17
Side 2: 4
Difference: 13


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 153,084
Side 2: 36,688
Difference: 116,396



Still Going Strong
Reaction score
It's easy to talk big game when one side had never decided to respond yet. But still, we'll see how the rest of Taxi's response fairs.
Timeframe: Last 24 hours

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 17
Side 2: 4
Difference: 13


Your OP gained a few caps, it was a tribe wide OP and we got more caps from a local skirmish o_O How'd MeaningLess OP go? I think he got 1.2mil+ units killed and 0 losses? what a great OP Taxi keep up the good work, our turn.

Skill Issue

Skilled Soldier 2020
Reaction score
Quite interesting how you had to wait 2 months to come to externals and post something like this, congrats I guess?

While we're at posting stats:

Side 1:
Tribes: Dalton
Side 2:
Tribes: CAB, -TLB-, Taxi
Players: Bubbletoad

Timeframe: Forever

Total conquers:

Side 1: 1,500
Side 2: 2,791
Difference: 1,291


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 126
Side 2: 45
Difference: 81


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 7,740,211
Side 2: 12,325,198
Difference: 4,584,987


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 900,886
Side 2: 337,839
Difference: 563,047
