Interesting and funny igms


I took the free one on worlds 2,3 and 4 while I was there. It wouldn't be something I would be interested in here, free or not.


We are SHIT#1 ( Training Tribe for Reborn). The minimum requirement to get into SHIT#1 is our average points.

"In order to assure the highest levels of quality work and productivity from
employees, it will be our policy to keep all employees well trained through

We are trying to give our employees more S.H.I.T than anyone else. If you
feel that you do not receive your share of S.H.I.T on the course, please
see your supervisor. You will be immediately placed at the top of the
S.H.I.T list, and our supervisors are especially skilled at seeing you get
all the S. H. I. T. you can handle.

Employees who dont take their S. H. I.T. will be placed in DEPARTMENTAL

Those who fail to take D.E.E.P. S.H.I.T seriously will have to go to
EMPLOYEE ATTITUDE TRAINING (E.A.T.S.H.I.T). Since our supervisors took
S.H.I.T before they were promoted, they dont have to do S.H.I.T anymore,
and are all full of S.H.I.T already. If you are full of S.H.I.T, you may be
interested in a job teaching others. We can add your name to our BASIC

For employees who are intending to pursue a career in management and
consulting, we will refer you to the department of MANAGERIAL OPERATIONAL
RESEARCH EDUCATION (M.O.R.E.S.H.I.T). This course emphasizes how to manage
M.O.R.E. S.H.I.T

If you have further questions, please direct them to our HEAD OF TEACHING,

It seems they have caught on because its now NNN or needsanewname.:lol:


A admin comes by and steals your soul for having that which should not be yours.:icon_evil:


You don't get it for over 500 you get it when you hit 500 so it shouldn't have happened.


well we didn't know that. there was no mass mail saying not to use it so might as well


forward Archive Delete
Subject hElLo
Sender cala4
Recipient killteamer
Sent Mar 05,2007 21:15

cAn i gEt aN inivIt toe yo awsom twibe lolz. :)


I just sent this to a rim tribe to see what their response would be...


well, they sure have high expectations. :icon_biggrin:

killteamer invites you to the tribe Larry Loner


Subject helo
Recipient Gothic_Tease
Sent Mar 08,2007 21:04

y want thu join you


Erm, translation anyone?


Subject helo
Recipient Gothic_Tease
Sent Mar 08,2007 21:04

y want thu join you

Literal translation: Why wont though join you
Educated guess: Why wont you join though?
Ugh i hate idiots... Give him a lot of pain - lots of love from Lord_Castellan


Contributing Poster
Reaction score
Sometimes I just love how players respond to attacks. My latest took particular umbrage and sent me 2 messages. It took him forever to figure out that we have no diplomatic relations:

Nodgrot wrote:
i would ask you to desist alll attacks as you can see both our tribes are NAPS

thank you

junkmonger wrote:
We have no diplomatic relations. I was ordered to attack your villages. Please contact lobe for all your relocation needs.

Nodgrot wrote:
no no no

sorry i didnt say it right

i was ordered to change tribes <<other tribe>> and it turns out we are NAPS
i am not accusing you of anything or whatever i am just saying

and apparantly lobe is a NAP as well (ed. lobe is a player...and a very good one)

just a question tho are they real attacks because i know there cant be any nobles in them and its all from the same village

and if it is as a sign of goodwill and apologies on my behalf i will pay you back for any troops you lose

junkmonger wrote:
We will contact <<your tribe>> to confirm your refugee status.

Nodgrot wrote:

ha dont like em!

i aint a refugee! and id like to know how i could have predicted that an attack that just started to come at me today would make me a nap with the attacker!

dude dont get me wrong
i was ordered to join <<a tribe>> and hell if they tell me to go back to <<original tribe>> so be it
i do as im told and thats all i have done

2) and less polite
Nodgrot wrote:
wtf is with all these attacks!

what the hell have i done for you to attack all of my villages

junkmonger wrote:
Don't you enjoy entertainment?

Nodgrot wrote:
what like tv's or....

sorry i was a little oon edge as i saw i had 41 incoming attacks but they are all fakes except i dont know about yours

junkmonger wrote:
Let's play dealer's choice.

Nodgrot wrote:

fair enough but damn 16 attacks from one village!!!
and slightly faster than a noble!

wow if they are real and im screwed damn

teach me master i have much to learn!!! ^_^

Nodgrot wrote:
what the f***!

what the hell man why the hell did you just noble my goddamned village!

i am asking you once and only once since we are NAPS i want you to move all of your troops out of MY village or i WILL take it by force

and yes mate i am taking this up with tribal diplomats if you do not give me my village back immediatly!

junkmonger wrote:
Well, I was invited to a wedding. Seems your village was lonely and we had some unattached armies.

Please talk to your diplomats. I will abide by any instructions that I am given.

Best regards,

Nodgrot wrote:
nope f*** u man

i have already told you we are NAPS and now you have sent even more attacks out

i WILL be talking to tribal diplomats because of your actions and i dont care i will be getting my village back!

junkmonger wrote:
We are sorry. Your NAP application papers were lost in processing. Please have your diplomats call ours and see if we can correct this. I apologize for this confusion and we hope we can establish diplomatic relations at a mutually agreeable time. Thank you for contacting Twilight Hunters, your Regional Improvement and Relocation specialists.

Nodgrot wrote:

look mate im getting my villages back no questions asked and i thought we could have this settled and now your attacking me again!

junkmonger wrote:
Unfortunately, your new attacks upon your previous residence, Land that Dufus Desires, only confirms your hostile intent. I will have my diplomats contact yours and register the appropriate complaints.

Nodgrot wrote:
haha go ahead ive already talked with them and dont you worry buddy ill take my damned village back whether you like it or not

junkmonger wrote:
Personally, I don't like. I feel bad when perfectly good troops are wasted on foolish exercises. Perhaps we can come to a compromise? I'll take your other villages and we increase the general amount of happiness in the world.

Nodgrot wrote:
not gonna happen mate

junkmonger wrote:
I ran the simulator on this troop count vs what I have.

3620 2138 0 14 53 841 0 0 1

Rest easy, the village is in good hands. Perhaps, you would just to visit for a cup of tea?

Nodgrot wrote:
what you think i am the only one one thats going to try to empty your village out??

damn your dumb! i have allies right near me and id be stupid not to ask for aid

and cheers for telling me how many troops are left in there ;)

junkmonger wrote:

I have no problem letting you know how many troops we found in your villages. I figured that you needed some assistance.

I have to admit that I am dimwitted. My profile says, "Sword in hand, body in forward, brain in neutral." I wish I could be more understanding.

I have tried to be civil with you, but you just don't understand my predicament. You see, I live in a neighborhood and my neighbors just don't seem to want to get along. I was so hoping that you would be pleasant and accomodating. I guess it is not to be.

Best regards,

Nodgrot wrote:
trust me im pleasent and i do get along very nicely

except when someone is attacking me when our tribes are NAP's
so i dont take kindly to that not one bit

junkmonger wrote:
I'm sure that you are pleasant in rl...however, owing to your persistant threats and aggression, our leaders have decided to drop any relations to your tribe. If you feel this is in error, you may surrender your villages at your earliest convenience.


Literal translation: Why wont though join you
Educated guess: Why wont you join though?
Ugh i hate idiots... Give him a lot of pain - lots of love from Lord_Castellan

Hmm, he'll love us BOTH ever so much more then :icon_smile:


More idiots

I love sending fake atacks to idiots I don't know. I always find ways to make it more interesting.

------ wrote:
why are you attacking me?

richman wrote:
Hello Friend,
Be aware that the attack was intentional, though I do not wish for total destruction. I am merely aiding my fellow tribemates.

I've realised that your village(s) are too far away to be any significant use to me, thus I offer full reimbursement of damages, since it is too late to cancel. The catch is that it requires the sucessful completion of the following paradox:

Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say No. 1, and the host, who knows what's behind the doors, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, "Do you want to pick door No. 2?" Is it to your advantage to switch your choice?

In German, for those who don't understand:

Bei einer Spielshow soll der Kandidat eines von drei aufgebauten Toren auswählen. Hinter einem verbirgt sich der Gewinn, ein Auto, hinter den anderen beiden jeweils eine Ziege, also Nieten (oder Trostpreise). Folgender Spielablauf ist immer gleich und den Kandidaten vorab bekannt:

1. Der Kandidat wählt ein Tor aus, welches aber vorerst verschlossen bleibt.
2. Daraufhin öffnet der Moderator, der die Position des Gewinns kennt, eines der beiden nicht vom Kandidaten ausgewählten Tore, hinter dem sich eine Ziege befindet. Im Spiel befinden sich also noch ein Gewinn und eine Niete.
3. Der Moderator bietet dem Kandidaten an, seine Entscheidung zu überdenken und das andere Tor zu wählen.

Wie soll der Kandidat sich entscheiden, um seine Gewinnchance zu maximieren?


Le jeu oppose un présentateur à un candidat (le joueur). Ce joueur est placé devant trois portes fermées. Derrière l'un d'elles se trouve une voiture (ou tout autre prix magnifique) et derrière chacune des deux autres se trouvent une chèvre (ou tout autre prix sans importance). Il doit tout d'abord désigner une porte. Puis le présentateur ouvre une porte qui n'est ni celle choisie par le candidat, ni celle cachant la voiture (le présentateur sait quelle est la bonne porte dès le début). Le candidat a alors le droit ou bien d'ouvrir la porte qu'il a choisi initialement, ou bien d'ouvrir la troisième porte.

Les questions qui se posent au candidat sont :

1. Que doit-il faire ?
2. Quelles sont ses chances de gagner la voiture en agissant au mieux ?

Now then, reply with your answer, preferably in English (though I do understand a little French). Then give me your report of attack, I'll confirm the attack report as valid, and we can come to some sort of conclusion. feel free to ask for help.

Best Regards,

------ wrote:
i want a goat because my grass is to long. so will you stop attacking me now?

Richman wrote:



"Can you stop attacking me?"

I love it when it's short and sweet


I would kill the host and take the goats and the car. The car would be used to drive my goats to village idiot's front lawn so they could eat his long grass. Upon finding out that it wasn't grass but weed the goats would then be so stoned that they would eat anything. I then put the goats in my enemies villages and well... They say goat bites hurt alot.