
  1. RedAlert

    Commands Backtimes Planner

    This script can be run from the incomings overview screen. If you are not on that screen, the script will redirect you there. The script collects all the incomings you have and for each of them it calculates the return time and it adds all these data in a table with some actions you can do...
  2. Shinko to Kuma

    Misc Backtime calculator from report

    Simple script to get the return time of troops that attacked a village. Run on a defensive report
  3. kira.

    Question Backtime Script

    Does anyone have a simple backtime script? The ones ive come across are used on incoming screen but it doesn't show the seconds :c
  4. Commands Tag incomings with backtime time

    Use this script to rename incomings, including the backtime time. To label the commands with backtime time, you must run the script twice. Change the variable FORMAT to choose how you want your incomings to be tagged. Words encapsulated in # will be replaced by: #backtime# - the backtime time...