
  1. Misc mass village renamer on the website and when it was original legal but no one resubmitted it it for somereason had it listed as: javascript:$.getScript('');void(0); but the...
  2. Commands Incoming Tagger Old - Adds send time and other options

    This is an old script not entirely sure who made it, its what I used prior to labelling was added but still use it for analysing attacks
  3. Scavenging Another Scavenging Script

    Use this at the scavenging screen. javascript: (window.TwCheese && TwCheese.tryUseTool('ASS')) || $.ajax('' +~~((new Date())/3e5),{cache:1,dataType:"script"});void 0; What it does Fills in troops to scavenge Focuses the start button of...
  4. Stats Overview of Hauls

    Use this on the commands overview, with the "Return" filter. javascript: (window.TwCheese && TwCheese.tryUseTool('OverviewHauls')) || $.getScript('' +~~((new Date())/3e5),{cache:1});void 0; What it does Loads haul information...
  5. Misc Battle Report Enhancer

    What This Does 2) Export links to "attack again with the same troops" 3) Report display. Shows extended information about reports that were renamed by the BRE. 4) Report selector bar. 5) Mass Renamer. This will rename all selected reports to a format readable by the BRE 6) Symbols. 7)...