mass scavenging overview

  1. Say Bye

    Scavenging Mass scavenging overview++

    Base script: Scavenging - Mass scavenging Overview page | Tribal Wars - EN I made it count the resources you will gain. If only_summarize flag is false then it write separately how many wood, clay and iron you will get, if true, it only summerizes the 3 resource. At the bottom it shows how...
  2. wildwang

    Scavenging QoL Improvements for Sophie Scavenging Overview Script

    Script: javascript: $.getScript(''); Updated sophie's script to show the closest scavenge to end and the duration remaining on it. Will be useful if you are doing optimized scavenging with a bunch of...
  3. Shinko to Kuma

    Scavenging Mass scavenging Overview page

    Approved ticket #T14000637 Hi all. Since there is no actual overview where we can clearly see all the villages we own and the scavenging runs underway, I made this quick scripts that will show exactly how long till your runs are home, while counting down as well. Can be ran on any page...