mass scavenging

  1. Say Bye

    Scavenging Mass scavenging overview++

    Base script: Scavenging - Mass scavenging Overview page | Tribal Wars - EN I made it count the resources you will gain. If only_summarize flag is false then it write separately how many wood, clay and iron you will get, if true, it only summerizes the 3 resource. At the bottom it shows how...
  2. iDisbelieve

    Scavenging Group-specific mass scavenging script

    This is a modified version of the mass scavenging script by Shinko to Kuma. This version will first open the mass scavenging page on a specifically selected group ID and then on second execution it resumes the original behavior.
  3. RedAlert

    Scavenging Mass Scavenging Options Unlock

    Mass Scavenging Options Unlock Approved: t14525689 (sorry for the very bad screenshot but it was taken on a video :p, had forgot to screenshot it when I first run it and can't test it right now since all scav options are already unlocked) Script requires Premium Account to be active and goes...
  4. Sui.

    Request Mass Scavenge - Unlocking

    Hi there, It would be wonderful to actually create a mass scavenging script, only for unlocking each cheapest one per village. That would speed up things, whilst requires no skill to do that, just patience and time i.e. taking your focus out of the action of the game. Thanks,
  5. kira.

    Spear Rush (Scavenging) - Simple Startup Guide w114

    Here's the results video some of you have guys have been asking about in game on the results i got on w114 using the Spear Rush (Scavenging) - Simple Startup Guide that worked so well on w103! I started about 30 days late on this world but still made 1000+ spears and had plenty of time in...