
  1. Commands Commander Script

    javascript:$.getScript('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/1kfp8ja9k9io86b/Tsalkapone.rally_point_script.js%27);void 0; Take a look at this script its an old script is it legal?
  2. Daddy Ashen

    Commands incoming renamer

    hello this is an old script (which it was approved before) but it needed an update (a moderator on discord forum updated),if i have to talk to the owner of the script to be approval let me know
  3. Misc Tsalkapone Village Renamer

  4. Commands Tsalkapone's Calculator Compilation

    Hey, I was looking to submit a script for approval. It appears that it was created by Tsalkapone. I was not able to get in contact with him to get him to submit. Here is the original post that I could find involving the script that also details what it does. Calculator Compilation...