watchtower timer

  1. RedAlert

    Commands Incomings Overview

    Incomings Overview Approved: t14466468 This is how the script looks in action: User Variables: NOBLE_GAP defines the attack gap in milliseconds. From world to world this changes and there is no automatic way to get this from the world config (a call here for Inno devs to add such info...
  2. DaWolf85

    Commands Watchtower Timer

    This is a fully working, English-translated version of this watchtower timer script from oreg/silicina on the .hu forums. I would like to thank lodi94 for giving me the idea with his version for both the Italian and International versions. Unfortunately, his version does not work for me, and...
  3. Commands Watchtower range script

    This script shows the time when an attack will be shown by the watchtower. I didnt make it but i found it on .hu forum. I changed some details and made it work on english and italian servers. It's approved on .net (ticket t13877998). Interface text is in italian because i'm not able to add...