


‡Wolf-Pack‡ is inviting anyone and everyone to join!

We are a fairly new tribe but are expanding very quickly.

We are gaining an average of 2 players per day! all of which are above 90 points at this stage so we are quickly gaining strength.
We are also getting alot of Interest shown with many requests to join!

‡Wolf-Pack‡ is all about its members allowing them to decide on large matters like whether to start a war or create a new thread. We give you the power!

Also if you join ‡Wolf-Pack‡ soon then you have a chance of becoming high ranked in the tribe. We have many tribe jobs available wating for you such as recruitment officer, Templar and MANY more.

We are allowing ANY active player join!

So if you would like to join just contact RageDiablo (me)!!

(The majority of our members are situated in Continent 65)
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