1,000,000,000 ODA - Denipop

Harry Pitz

Well-Known Member
Reaction score
I think Loverlover was pointing out that Shad stated that Denipop was the only one in a speed 2 and under world, which is very incorrect.
The facts should be correct if someone is going to lift someone up on a pedestal.
Maybe it should be changed to the accomplishment of "the only one in a speed 1 world" not 2 speed....

Shadryk 01

The W19 players are correct. There are 3 players who have over 1 billion ODA on their faster world. I'll research more speed 1 worlds to make sure, then edit the base post. My research was inadequate. Sorry about posting flawed data.

Noely is correct about W19 being much older than W13 once adjusted for world speed. Some faster worlds have slower unit speeds so they don't rocket across the map. Per TW Stats, W19 does not have their unit speeds slowed in the usual manner. In baseball, this is what we call a "hitters park."
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Arrow Ltm

Simply fantastic Deni. You have to be voted into the hall of fame. ;)

Shadryk 01

No doubt. Cynz should be there in a few days, as well. This will be her 2nd world conquered. It would be nice if we could get about 10 guys reach that mark, but I'd be surprised if the world lasted long enough.


Thanks to some cross world talk this has been the most exciting this forum has been in a long, long time.