12 Days of W94

Father Damien

On the 12th day of Christmas World 94 gave to me:

12 Hanb00 barb nobles

11 made up Martin facts

10 top tribe ratings (Thanks Shahyd)

9 failed HoCor ops

8 bad ideas (Smart <3)

7 deserters from NN

6 Felons inactives


4 Jobless players (Get a job)

3 Reece banned accounts

2 Skype chat takeovers

And a Vodka shot to celebrate the world win ;)

Instead of criticising the inaccuracies in it and complaining how the lyrics don't fit the melody go make your own :)

Merry Christmas everyone and be nice to each other :) <3

Lord BillyNoMates

And a Vodka shot to celebrate the world win ;)

world isnt actually over yet

maybe santa claus gave us in NN hope

and thats something vodka no longer has

Sinful Angel

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
Side 1:
Tribes: Vodka
Side 2:
Tribes: NN

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers:

Side 1: 367
Side 2: 370
Difference: 3


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 157
Side 2: 49
Difference: 108


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 2,741,813
Side 2: 2,350,438
Difference: 391,375


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 1,437,730
Side 2: 436,756
Difference: 1,000,974


Side 1:
Tribes: Vodka
Side 2:
Players: Twodeadly

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 0
Side 2: 0
Difference: 0


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 0
Side 2: 0
Difference: 0


Do you even go here?

Lord BillyNoMates

not sure why you added me into the time line like some kind of insult

i nuked 2 of your players over 80 times and yet that stays quiet right because you want it to look like im staying out of it

Lord BillyNoMates

A solid 27th on the stats based on ODA.

and its my problem if my nukes get dodged?

there is a huge difference between me and you james

I would happily give up my nukes so a tribe member can benefit

You would happily give up your tribe members nukes so you can benefit

Lord BillyNoMates

And that's why I'm 4th in ODA right?
youve also taken a shit load of villages nuked by your tribe members

you dont help other tribe members either

like before the attack break remind me how many villages you lost

because from reports i saw you didnt even attempt to keep them

not gonna lie but snoopy put up a 100x better fight for the villages he did then you did


Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
And a Vodka shot to celebrate the world win ;)

world isnt actually over yet

maybe santa claus gave us in NN hope

and thats something vodka no longer has

Hahahaha you came to post that vodka doesn't have hope even tho we have been moving further and further a head and nn are dropping player after player lolololol ok Mr dumb.

Getting boring now taking villages from nn is like taking candy from children, I'm sure that's something Martin enjoys.


Skilled Soldier 18 & Master Commander 21 & 22
Reaction score
not sure why you added me into the time line like some kind of insult

i nuked 2 of your players over 80 times and yet that stays quiet right because you want it to look like im staying out of it

Either you've sent 160 nukes total

Or you've somehow sent 80 different nuke waves which is rather impressive considering how long the war has been going on.

Its kinda wierd how you trash talk everyone for being bad but you still dont really have much of a front? Like i would have thought with your obvious skills you should be putting them to good use by breaking down Vodka frontline.

Actually wait i do think you have a few vils near my front. How about you give that a try? ;)


Yeah Billy please finally send at least some fakes our way.
Despite your recap attempts in k35 we never had a single incoming from you :(