15 Tech


Actually you have committed a syllogistic fallacy (your phrase is not in the traditional form because you have omitted the second line "no body is me" assuming the reader would take that as a given). Your premise "I'm the best" is an assumption, not fact. It does not follow, please learn how deductive reasoning works.

So basically you're saying me being the best is not a fact? Well you'd be wrong. :icon_rolleyes:


If you want to contribute to the discussion in any meaningful way you should explain why these builds are good rather than citing completely worthless experience

Very well then, if it is that important to you I shall elaborate...

After playing (and currently winning) uk Classic 7 with 15-tech I have decided that these techs work the best for me and my style of play.

Defensive village techs:
Spear 3, Sword 3, Scout 3, HC 3, Ram 1, Cat 2

Offensive village techs:
Spear 3, Sword 3, Axe 3, Scout 2, LC 3, Ram 1 (swap sword level out for cats if you need them in your nukes).

Spear, Sword, Scout and HC techs at level 3 are kinda no-brainers in a Def village. Cats I keep at level two so I can have a point in ram, letting me fake with rams from Off and Def village so I can keep my village types as ambiguous as possible.

Axe 3 and LC 3 are of course necessary in Off villages. I have Scout 2 so that I can use the C function of the Loot Assistant.
I use Spear 3 and Sword 3 because I try to keep my defensive builds as Spear/Sword heavy as possible. Every village will have Sword to at least level 1 anyway, so taking it to level 3 is more tech efficient than using HC level 3.
Anyway, HC will always fight at at least level 1 even if they are unresearched so unless I am going to level 2 or more I just leave them at level 0, using the few HC I build for snipes or quick stacks. If I have the time I shuffle techs around to give a village level 2/3 HC when I know it is a definite target.

Rams I keep at level 1 because as previously mentioned, ram levels don't make a difference until you get up towards 800 in a nuke. Cats are a luxury I don't often indulge in on a 15 tech world. They take up too much farm space for the offensive power they add, and are only helpful if you aren't going to capture the village you sent the nuke at. If I want to send fanged fakes, I use my Def villages.

As I said, these builds suit my playstyle and I don't claim they are the best in every situation.

I hope that settles your anxious mind Sir Galaxy.

Come on now he's playing on(currently winning) the kids server(classic) of the highschool league version of .net(.uk)

Do you really need to be so toxic? I referenced my playing uk Classic merely as a basis for my builds. They are not theoretical, they have been developed and used ingame.
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Do you really need to be so toxic?

Jokes to portray a real statement are much more fun to read than simple statements. Learn to calm yourself child relax a little.
I referenced my playing uk Classic merely as a basis for my builds. They are not theoretical, they have been developed and used ingame.
I can find players that did well attacking with swords. I bet I could maintain a top 20 account attacking with swords lc and rams in all honesty. Success, application, and development in game means absolutely nothing. I know for a fact ive seen people go pure O till 10 villages, they are stupid, it is not a reason to cite being correct.


And your point is? I cannot see the 'real statement' you were trying to make nor can I see the point in your following statement.Sure, maybe you could be top 20 with such a strategy. But what relevance does that have to this discussion? The advice I give is sourced from my experience. The OP asked for peoples thoughts on tech levels, so I gave mine. You have no right do dismiss my input without reason.


When I played world 19 we used hc strat
3 spears 2 swords 2 scout 3 hc 2 ram 3 cat
in offense it was 3 spears 1 sword 3 axe 1 scout 3 hc 2 ram 2 cat


Yeah that's a great setup you should definitely use that


hc strat is completely worthless don't use it

In an 15 tech world I would suggest tribes telling people to not use hc so that you can spare the tech levels for other things. Of course you probably have space for a tech of hc in D vills if you really want it - but I don't think its necessary


Or better yet just make all your villages offensive. That way you don't have to deal with worrying about hc vs swords.


Sorry but most of the people here will play solo or just croacking around?
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Shveik! You can co-play my account if you'd like :)

A lot of peeps seem to have static builds. With account manager it is pretty easy to increase the D tech in offensive villages if you are under attack. Really no need to worry about HC/sword levels in offensive villages unless they are frontline.

Defense: sp:3 sw:3 scout:3 HC:3 cat:3
Offense: sp:3 sw:1 axe:3 scout:2 LC:3 Ram:3
Frontline O: sp:3 sw:3 axe:3 scout:2 HC:3 Ram:1

Building HC instead of LC in frontline offensive villages solves the problem of sw vs. HC. You can build both and stack with both. When a village is no longer frontline, wait for the nuke to die and convert to an LC nuke.