-2^(3)/0 = Wipe OP

  • Thread starter Mr. Cringer Pants
  • Start date


@Balian in Ibelin: There is some truth in what you are saying if you are stating regarding world wins being decided rather by agreements, recruitment and merges at first hand than fighting it out. However, you sound biased as you don`t point out Wipes own incompetence and rather point finger at those who may run out of patience and wants to remain competitive as covards.

You can stay true and loyal to an envoirement which provides reason to do just that. Not expect blind faith.

The decreasing number of players has various reasons which there are multiple threads about and been discussed over the years. Either make the best of it or choose to stay away cause you can`t expect things to become the way you think they should be. It is what it is.
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Mr. Cringer Pants

Kindly play the video for a symbolic addition to the thread.

Now that all the drama and flame fest has settled. Let's look at a weekend glimpse of what has happened to WIPE family:

Members quitting and wipe recruiting up(from bleach) presumably to maintain rank:
Just a brief thought on this tactic. It's pretty easy to 'rank up' but this is not a long-term strategic method of growing. It's simply putting a bandaid on the severed artery. You need major surgery, WIPE, if you wish to survive.

A comparison of 187/390 vs WIPE:


Notice the little recruitment Spike reflected from recycling Bleach.




Based on a graphical analysis, this does not look good for WIPE family one bit. Considering Balian just confirmed quit, that's another 60 villages that need to be internalised in hostile territory and an overall loss for Wipe fam as those nobles cannot go towards enemy villages. There have been zero captures for either side over the last 48 hours based on TW stats, which is rather shocking to see.

While I was away it seems the lies and dirty tactics continue. Some examples below:

1.) Personal attacks by WIPE leadership.
2.) More lies by WIPE leadership.
3.) I might be getting a name change. (giggle)

Not going to lower myself to posting screenshots from all the posts above this one but will make a few hashtags and comments regarding what I've shifted through to hopefully lighten the thread away from all the personal attacks.

It's pretty sad when people resort to name calling over a browser game. If you look at this post, all of my responses have been gifs relating to in game actions or TW related behaviors, nothing personal. Hopefully others follow in suit. Stats, charts and in game reports are used to make a point, not edited skype messages with false accusations and info (looking at you DK, start being honest it's not that hard.) and name calling. This got a bit out of hand so hopefully this post helps bring it back to a more clean/friendly debate using comical memes, gifs and relevant data to make a point. Sometimes it's better to just own up to your mistakes and come clean instead of try to lie more and cover up the truth.


Since my above post regarding account sit offers may or may not be valid(in terms of contact info) please see the edited version below:

Well now that all the logs and banter of squat numbers have settled. Let's talk about actually playing TW.

If anyone, in any tribe is ever getting attacked by WIPE family and you need help defending. Do the following:

1.) Get duke approval for outside sitter.
2.) Set sitter permissions below:
3.) Message me on externals or on skype @ nozguleth.
4.) ??????
5.) Read the reports of dead wipe nobles and nukes.

GL;HF brought to you by the don't get nobled byWipe campaign.

Raavna, I have a kind simple request. Please post you opinion, in cat meme form, of the chain of events in this thread. TY!!! <3


The salty fish = NaCL
Whale = WhaleCome, Mr. Cringer pants or nozguleth
Birds = Wipe Fam
The 1 poor bird = ???
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Mr. Cringer Pants

I missed something...

Wipe leadership major NO NO.


Ordering your tribes troops to DIE because of YOUR position on the map while HORDING your mates troops...


Wipe = Red
Blue = Sandor
Green = Axisblade and vincent12144

NEVER use your members for your own leaderships benefit...This is a disgraceful way to play TW. Leadership accounts should always be used to help the tribe, not the other way around!

Wipe leadership right now:
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The world is shit because you make bad decisions?


For the record, i wasn't hording for my own gain. We were wasting troops leaving them in my village, I wanted the troops in my villages sent back, but Sandor had just blown a bunch of nukes and nobles on me. Aka why I wanted him opped, so I can send back my mates troops where they were needed.

You can character assisnate all you want, some of its true, I can admit I made mistakes. But if something is just blanket nonsense, I'll speak up. They were supporting me like they would any tribemate being attacked, and I said we needed to op Sandor so I could send the support back to them. I still have my own support sitting in player villages, so don't you dare accuse me of hoarding support for my own gains. I'm a lot of things Cringer, but I would never take advantage of someone like that.

Axis comment was that she would help someone make the land time by sitting them if needed, something we all do.

Now, for the love of God shut up. I know what my mistakes are this world, and I as Wipe leadership recognize that I made mistakes. I made calls that in the heat of the moment felt right. Did some turn out to be wrong? Yes. But that's part of life, that's part of being human, and that's part of being a leader.


Now I don't know if I can even request this, but mod id like this thread closed. I love my tribe and the players in it, but we all know Wipe will not win the world. So to continue a pointless rage session on a tribe already on its knees seems pointless to me.


Skilled Soldier 18 & Master Commander 21 & 22
Reaction score
Now I don't know if I can even request this, but mod id like this thread closed. I love my tribe and the players in it, but we all know Wipe will not win the world. So to continue a pointless rage session on a tribe already on its knees seems pointless to me.

Could say the same thing about the warpigs thread where for weeks after warpigs disbanded there were still wipe members "assassinating" people in warpigs, pretty ironic im sure you'll agree.

Also if i recall only a thread creator can request its closure unless rules have been broken?


Still Going Strong
Reaction score
Now, for the love of God shut up. I know what my mistakes are this world, and I as Wipe leadership recognize that I made mistakes. I made calls that in the heat of the moment felt right. Did some turn out to be wrong? Yes. But that's part of life, that's part of being human, and that's part of being a leader.

you certainly did vincent..:(


Could say the same thing about the warpigs thread where for weeks after warpigs disbanded there were still wipe members "assassinating" people in warpigs, pretty ironic im sure you'll agree.

Also if i recall only a thread creator can request its closure unless rules have been broken?

Yes my tribe did do that. Something I should not have let happen, because now that I'm on the other side, it sucks. And so while Kirk/Barb/I may not see eye to eye, I apologize to Warpig for what was said in that thread about them. While shit went down in game, I never should have let my tribe storm the externals in the manner that we did.



Raavna, I have a kind simple request. Please post you opinion, in cat meme form, of the chain of events in this thread. TY!!! <3


The salty fish = NaCL
Whale = WhaleCome, Mr. Cringer pants or nozguleth
Birds = Wipe Fam
The 1 poor bird = ???

Thanks NOZ for calling me out here , I try to be more clear next time, may be i am on different frequency..lol

BTW that Cat was saying "you sow so shall you reap" and not about Balian but for WIPE , what they facing now in consequences ....

Mr. Cringer Pants

I know what my mistakes are this world, and I as Wipe leadership recognize that I made mistakes. I made calls that in the heat of the moment felt right. Did some turn out to be wrong? Yes. But that's part of life, that's part of being human, and that's part of being a leader.

As long as you recognize this. My main issue with WIPE was how you treated people. Hopefully you change your behavior. Nobody likes being used, manipulated and lied to. I think you are doing the right thing by admitting your faults. In future worlds, people will respect that more. Best of luck for the remainder of w88 and in future worlds. I don't have any personal issues with you, you seem to be taking this rather harshly and want you to know its strictly fun and games.

may be i am on different frequency.

I was not calling you out, I think you are on a different frequency but perhaps I was not clear in my request. I would love an updated cat meme summary!!!
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