K5 is mine, as i am one of the oldest remaining k5 players.
my memory of w9 begins in a tribe called lions. We where #2 in k5 after the continental generals(k15-X F.) had made the 4th branch k5-X.
the generals attacked my tribe and then duke of K5-X(Sir alias:icon_evil
somehow got sitting rights of one of our dukes and disbanded our tribe. and as i saw my old tribe was getting destroyed and all my PAs had moved to k5-x, so did i.
we soon dominated the K, when the main tribe declared on PwN.
a lot of members deflected to PwN family(rotems, badboymixer, etc) and K15-C left the family and tryed 2 join PwN as PwN-C(if im not mistakeing), so we attacked them aswell and after being rejected, they changed their name 2 CYBORG and soon merged back 2 the family.
we established k5-A academy of k5.
then one of our dukes got a spot in bird and after he returned from his spying mition, he disbanded our tribe.
We where back and running in 3 days...
so we clared out pwn from k5(exept for four members: rotems, mabboymixer,wiphin and bjlk14(or something like that)). then spectre joined the war.
keelezeible had joined spctr shortly befor that. and as out duke Sir Alias desided 2 quit, k5-x was left without a leader. most of the people left for newly created spectre academy. i asked k15-x 2 send someone ower and they sent the leader of k15-a who got k5-x up and running in no time. we had elections and the concil was formed :
dukes:destrover123 and guitarshredder67
barons: xlxhx and sukiko (and unofitialy commander cody)
and 2 war ministers a diplomat, 1 minister of internal afares.
at some point nosebleed1, momo-ze, bender where added 2 the council.
at some point rotems and badboymixer went back on the neutral statsus and got rimmed. then da(pwn had reformed) recruited a few members in k5.
Our family naped with bird family.
spctr took out wiphin and we took out the other k and our K was clear of the enemy for once.
K5-X mooved on k6 with the help of F.T. and we where dominating till DA recruited the dominant tribe in k16.
at some point k15-x lost the #1 status in k15 to spectre and the family reformed to UN-G and UN-Ga. i led the academy.
from now on the history of k5 and k15 is the same.
some people from the family wherent happy with the things and joined bird hoping they would be safe, but bird joined DA, and we rimmed the traitours.
time passed and UN-G lost there presents in k6, but we didn't loose anywhere else.
then SOFt(more like there recruits from DA) attacked k5.
AoD asked UN-G if he could join us. the council voted and we accepted. Aod saw the rate of inactives(wich at that time was nearly half the tribe...like 40 people.) and left sor spctr. A week or so later spectre put us to an ultimatum: Join them or they will declare on us. they gave us one day. we voted and the council desided 2 let everyone who wanted 2 join. most of the council desided 2 join =D.N= instead.
then spectre naped da by joining dns.
the ones that joined dn soon reclaimed #1 spot in k5 and mooved on soft in k5/k6 border and joined many campagns.
then da joined RAW and that changed everything. dn almost cleared out k5 and k15 of raw and are now moving to k16 and k6.
the ones who joined spectre are now just loving off of inactives and as far as i know are dead.
dominant players of k5:
wiphin(from: to
(pwn, later DA) later destrover123(from: to
dominant tribes in k5:
lions(from: to
k5-X(from: to
spctr(from: to
=D-N=(from: to
Involvment in war:
Lions-K5-X war
spectre vs pwn war
k5-x vs pwn war
k5-x vs raw war
dn vs raw war
(ill add the dates some other time. and ill add stuf