I really wish I could do K74, but I have no screen shots or maps. Not to mention my memory is not what it once was.
Little bit I remember.
SAGA formed by CorsairF4U and decided to control the continent. Chumgeyser was the largest most aggressive member of SAGA and wanted to get in more fights so he formed MOAT and recruited those who wanted to go looking for trouble more often. MOAT joined Order in their war on DNS. At the time we were told that the big tribe to the east (Eagles?) would be attacking DNS from that side and that we would have support from A:M (which I don't think we ever received). We watched DNS tearing through Order and knew that even though we may have been slightly ahead in conquers we would eventually get swarmed if DNS turned their attention to us. During the war Chumgeyser quit and Elwain took over as leader. Elwain worked with DNS and we agreed that several MOAT (Aquariano, Sebendebi, Elwain, Plunderous, Ackbar, Tiaco, JTGjr001, and more I have forgotten) members would move to DNS and remaining would go to A:M (AWK1 still around).
After DNS took us in they cleared out the remaining SAGA members who relocated to K83 (I think). At least one (TribesMN) is now firmely back in K74.
The MOAT members slowly left one by one. At this point I think that only Aquariano and Sebendebi remain.
I think TribesMN was on council of SAGA during the MOAT split so he may have more insigth into why the split happened. That's all I can remember up until the whole world erupted in war, but if others chime in with additional thoughts I will try and add them onto this post.
just a few minor additions.
the Saga folk in k74 (about a dozenish there in all- some sadly inactive) were slipping support troops to MOAT (me, Corsair, Tribesmn and a couple others- forget exactly who else) figuring we'd be next if MOAT fell. we got caught a few times so DNS i'm sure figured it out quickly enough what we were up to. the relocation to k83 (and later k93) began in earnest at this time (it had started a bit before before then on a smaller scale).
not sure if tribesmn is still tribesmn at this point to respond- but from what i recall, Chum really wanted to attack A:M (at the time Saga was actually bigger) and created a lot of bad feelings which lingered between the two sides even after he left to form MOAT. Corsair was against the idea of hitting A:M at that time being more worried about the DNS blob heading our way. Bubano and Corasir didn't really talk much for a long time if i recall right because of this.
Saga was a bit upset after the MOAT merger giving DNS undisputed command of the K and waited for the inevitable while trying to get new bases in 83 and 93 up and running. Sure enough it came. The ex-Saga players in MOAT (driftr and plunderous-probably forgot a few others) stayed out of the fight out of respect for their old tribemates which extended our time of survival. we might have lasted longer but we figured it was a hopeless fight in k74 now and didn't trying stacking very much from our 83 and 93 villages. DNS probably had less than a dozen folk involved on their end and after a monthish we were cleared out.
Ironically, after a brief time in the LA clan, the few Saga-ites still active ended up merging into A:M. Later under A:M/F:M, tribesmn and I snuck back into 74 (he has lots more villages there than i do- even after all the DNS ops against him

) and are there to the present, though he's in DNS now himself.