

Ah the ole' 500|500
this world has it (not all do)
and here is the poor sucker who got it

Village: Mordhaus
Coordinates: 500|500
Points: 47
Player: pcklsdadrmmr
Tribe: Da Pimps

some players covet that village and it will probably change hands numerous times...simply because of the novel coords


wow it's like Antarctica... I guess we should make some kind of treaty like this:

  • Article 1 – area to be used for peaceful purposes only; military activity, such as weapons testing is prohibited, but military personnel and equipment may be used for scientific research or any other peaceful purpose;
  • Article 2 – freedom of scientific investigations and cooperation shall continue;
  • Article 3 – free exchange of information and personnel in cooperation with the TW team, TW blogs and other international agencies/teams like twstats.com;
  • Article 4 – the treaty does not recognize, dispute, nor establish territorial sovereignty claims; no new claims shall be asserted while the treaty is in force;
  • Article 5 – prohibits nuclear explosions (nukes) or disposal of radioactive wastes;
  • Article 6 – treaty-state observers have free access, including aerial observation, to any area and may inspect all stations, installations, and equipment; advance notice of all activities and of the introduction of military personnel must be given;
  • Article 7 – allows for jurisdiction over observers and scientists by their own states;
  • Article 8 – frequent consultative meetings take place among member nations;
  • Article 9 – treaty states will discourage activities by any country in 500|500 that are contrary to the treaty;
  • Article 10 – disputes to be settled peacefully by the parties concerned or, ultimately, by the International Court of Justice;


@ -TK-

where in the flying white ponies did that come from?


screw the system and the treaty that village is mine!

as well as 999|999, 001|001, 001|999 and 999|001 i will rule the center and the edges of the world!!!!!


I am going for it, nothing is more famous that the 500|500 stache w6 :)


Woot- that will be me :)
Then I will noble a 26 point village, and stack it with thousands of troops!!!!!
It will be mine!


I have long since lost interest in villages with fancy coordinates. It is all about the village build, not the location.