I have always been honest
Best: Would have to be coming back to the game after a few months out, then killing lost of hideously timed AAA attacks
Worst: All this pathetic bickering, "You back-stabbed" "No I didn't" "Wobble back-stabbed" "No we didn't". Who cares, this is a war game, a bit of unpredictability will keep you ahead of the game. Man up and deal with it...
Meeting my Dallow is by far my best memory :icon_wink:
Best: Would have to be coming back to the game after a few months out, then killing lost of hideously timed AAA attacks
Worst: All this pathetic bickering, "You back-stabbed" "No I didn't" "Wobble back-stabbed" "No we didn't". Who cares, this is a war game, a bit of unpredictability will keep you ahead of the game. Man up and deal with it...
Dallow back off my George
this guys got a point, who gives a shit if u backstab or betray i mean its not agenst the rules and also it could be tactics, Because backstabbing may be the diffrance bettwen Victory and Defeat. i mean sure backstabbing paints your picture as being unreliable and a bit of an arse but most ppl in this world will problay not even meat in the same world again.
what is the drama between al and wobble?