merritt olsen
if the overlords of tw could make it so then we (apoc/BA) the inevitable winners of W18 would like to challenge and fight the winners of W12 and maybe the winners of a few other worlds if any are also nearing the end.....
Yuck ! just looked at w18 , you are a family tribehaving 3 tribes does not constitute world domination, fight it out to one tribe and come back in a few months and try again.
At least 3 tribes at a glance could even be worse, i dont know. But 300 members at least..there is more players left in your family tribe that there is in the whole of w12. You still have quite a way to go.
..Again. yuck!
You would all get owned by the new blood of TW . You cant start worlds like we do.
I miss Chulthok the most. I don't think there could be another DNY, but the DNY players are those kinds of players who have show success in any worlds they play.
Don't forget Baddersben. The greatest account sitter of all time. He was "The Best"
I personally like the sound of the challenge but unfortunately those players who are in this world 12 are fed up of playing this game, hence why the world is closing and they haven't got it in them to split or play against another tribe from another world.....
its such a pity that we find a negative winning tribe, thankfully I am no longer in World 12 and am in a real world, where players fight til the end.
Why didn't Sudden Death stay till the end of w12? He deleted already :/
You would all get owned by the new blood of TW . You cant start worlds like we do.
How are the players in w12 fed up of playing ? have you spoken to them all?? I know a number of w12 players past and present owning other worlds at the moment.
The world is closing not because DNY is tired of fighting but because there is no one left worth fighting besides themselves, they dont want to fight themselves because they are a team of players who have won a world together, who are mostly friends, and have not got any sort of aggression or ambition to nobel each other on this world as there is no point. The aim of the game is to win as a tribe. DNY has done that. why fight each other now, that defeats the entire purpose of the game.
Your last sentance makes no sense either, it is moronic, how can you say you are playing in a real world where players fight till the end, if you are not at the end of a world, and you are implying that DNY did not fight till the end?? then what the hell did they just do for the last few years ?
I could tear your post a part and dissect it into nonsense, but you have posted such gibberish you have pretty much done it yourself.
So how about this, take a break, walk away from the computer have a cup of tea, come back, delete your post, and try again :icon_wink:
p.s for the record if you manage to get most of the original players together and ask them to play a new world i am pretty sure most of them will, but they probably would not accept a challenge like this as it is a waste of time, like i said world 18 is a huge family tribe, it is no where near finishing. i think w27 (i think thats the world , ephette correct me please) with shadow are closer to owning their world than this huge family tribe of 300 members !
W27 dominance map by nickjer
My answer has one point only.... I don't need to talk to all W12 players but by the world closing and real attempt at keeping the world going clearly shows to everyone that there is no fight left.
Hence why I said a very long time ago - One player = One tribe | One tribe wins a world. DNY have won but it still takes 1 player to win it all. DNY are scared to continue hence why the world is closing premature.
I am not here to cause a argument but to simply put forward what the end result should be on every world we all play.
" I am no longer making anymore posts on this world " and those of you who know me will understand. my old play name on this world was " nflchief "
God bless DNY and well done in winning, pity it finishes early. bye bye