A challenge to the winners of w12


How can any of you talk and be so proud of yourselves.

Proud that you mass recruited to win a world? Why not split the tribe in 2 and go at each other like crazy, surely you guys are a strong enough tribe to be friends after and have some fun in the mean time ;). Split the tribe, do you know how many players in older world would give anything for this.... Win the world, then split your tribe and kill each other. Its a nice accomplishment even though you mass recruited to get where you are xD.

auseon3 Joined 22nd March 2010 - 16:00 15,244,097
titan1984 Joined 22nd March 2010 - 16:00 11,226,599
Slices Right Joined 22nd March 2010 - 07:00 11,482,042
PM00 Joined 21st March 2010 - 19:00 23,785,177
Little Flower Joined 21st March 2010 - 19:00 14,885,230
Mr. Blonde Joined 21st March 2010 - 19:00 27,449,698
panda03 Joined 21st March 2010 - 10:00 5,121,542
kostik2007 Joined 21st March 2010 - 01:00 4,954,275
susie3Qt Joined 20th March 2010 - 22:00 2,590,251
spot29 Joined 20th March 2010 - 01:00 9,964,747
descott Joined 20th March 2010 - 01:00 7,829,010
chewyslowpoke Joined 19th March 2010 - 22:00 2,626,305
Ming Emperor Joined 19th March 2010 - 19:00 12,294,746
kurtlarbjk 2 Joined 19th March 2010 - 16:00 16,998,868
Heavens Joined 19th March 2010 - 16:00 17,256,836
napsterbl Joined 19th March 2010 - 13:00 12,718,087
charmed1 Joined 19th March 2010 - 10:00 13,552,344
shaqster2008 Joined 19th March 2010 - 07:00 10,602,169
Dadacanaidu Joined 19th March 2010 - 04:00 16,883,397
visit0r Joined 19th March 2010 - 04:00 7,694,965
Segan Joined 19th March 2010 - 04:00 13,333,112
cleanprophet Joined 19th March 2010 - 04:00 3,138,610
mojo17017 Joined 19th March 2010 - 01:00 4,835,961
justice111 Joined 19th March 2010 - 01:00 10,563,401
jo.ro Joined 19th March 2010 - 01:00 4,768,066
joshuasadler000 Joined 19th March 2010 - 01:00 7,436,738
GmZ1990 Joined 18th March 2010 - 22:00 23,223,853
Rhl3 Joined 18th March 2010 - 22:00 19,480,582
Valor of Dark World Joined 18th March 2010 - 22:00 9,510,592
Jebus16 Joined 18th March 2010 - 22:00 3,590,894
Julius-Caesar Joined 18th March 2010 - 22:00 10,156,780
mccc Joined 18th March 2010 - 22:00 4,387,001

Tribalwars Tribe Profile: End of W12 (tribe changes)
Tribe no longer exists Player Action Date/Time Points
auseon3 Left 22nd March 2010 - 04:00 15,244,097
PM00 Left 21st March 2010 - 19:00 23,785,177
Little Flower Left 21st March 2010 - 19:00 14,885,230
titan1984 Left 20th March 2010 - 01:00 11,216,105
kostik2007 Left 20th March 2010 - 01:00 4,954,275
susie3Qt Left 20th March 2010 - 01:00 2,590,251
spot29 Left 20th March 2010 - 01:00 9,964,747
Slices Right Left 20th March 2010 - 01:00 11,501,840
panda03 Left 20th March 2010 - 01:00 5,121,542
RoyalStearns Left 20th March 2010 - 01:00 2,344,925
descott Left 20th March 2010 - 01:00 7,829,010
chewyslowpoke Left 19th March 2010 - 22:00 2,626,305
Ming Emperor Left 19th March 2010 - 19:00 12,294,746
kurtlarbjk 2 Left 19th March 2010 - 16:00 16,998,868
Heavens Left 19th March 2010 - 16:00 17,256,836
napsterbl Left 19th March 2010 - 13:00 12,718,087
charmed1 Left 19th March 2010 - 10:00 13,552,344
shaqster2008 Left 19th March 2010 - 07:00 10,602,169
cleanprophet Left 19th March 2010 - 04:00 3,138,610
visit0r Left 19th March 2010 - 04:00 7,694,965
Dadacanaidu Left 19th March 2010 - 04:00 16,883,397
joshuasadler000 Left 19th March 2010 - 01:00 7,436,738
jo.ro Left 19th March 2010 - 01:00 4,768,066
Segan Left 19th March 2010 - 01:00 13,333,069
justice111 Left 19th March 2010 - 01:00 10,563,401
mojo17017 Left 19th March 2010 - 01:00 4,835,961
mccc Left 18th March 2010 - 22:00 4,387,001
GmZ1990 Left 18th March 2010 - 22:00 23,223,853
Rhl3 Left 18th March 2010 - 22:00 19,480,582
Valor of Dark World Left 18th March 2010 - 22:00 9,510,592
Jebus16 Left 18th March 2010 - 22:00 3,590,894
Julius-Caesar Left 18th March 2010 - 22:00 10,156,780
akagunay Left 18th March 2010 - 16:00 2,574,322
muncius Left 18th March 2010 - 16:00 7,471,265
Rurik I Left 03rd March 2010 - 22:00 3,233,834
jo.ro Joined 02nd March 2010 - 01:00 4,639,324
titan1984 Joined 01st March 2010 - 22:00 11,216,105
visit0r Joined 28th February 2010 - 04:00 7,544,058
Nastyone Left 20th February 2010 - 01:00 5,065,758
napsterbl Joined 18th February 2010 - 01:00 11,535,112
shaqster2008 Joined 17th February 2010 - 19:00 9,108,009
mojo17017 Joined 16th February 2010 - 07:00 4,284,544
mojo17017 Left 15th February 2010 - 22:00 4,263,254
fiumani Left 13th February 2010 - 16:00 7,589,563
RoyalStearns Joined 13th February 2010 - 07:00 2,344,925
kostik2007 Joined 10th February 2010 - 16:00 4,101,351
descott Joined 08th February 2010 - 22:00 6,924,061
Sudden Death Left 08th February 2010 - 19:00 22,770,085
Beavis4040 Left 08th February 2010 - 07:00 13,474,146
Davewsm2 Left 08th February 2010 - 01:00 6,328,110
Davewsm2 Joined 07th February 2010 - 19:00 6,367,878
Sudden Death Joined 07th February 2010 - 19:00 22,768,952
Ming Emperor Joined 07th February 2010 - 16:00 9,837,790
kurtlarbjk 2 Joined 07th February 2010 - 07:00 14,157,591
PM00 Joined 07th February 2010 - 01:00 21,098,288
Jebus16 Joined 06th February 2010 - 16:00 3,526,849
chewyslowpoke Joined 06th February 2010 - 07:00 2,213,214
Slices Right Joined 06th February 2010 - 04:00 11,294,504
charmed1 Joined 06th February 2010 - 01:00 12,768,119
susie3Qt Joined 05th February 2010 - 22:00 2,520,825
joshuasadler000 Joined 05th February 2010 - 13:00 6,772,200
cleanprophet Joined 05th February 2010 - 13:00 2,885,444
spot29 Joined 05th February 2010 - 04:00 8,365,988
justice111 Joined 05th February 2010 - 01:00 9,869,108
Valor of Dark World Joined 05th February 2010 - 01:00 8,524,410
muncius Joined 04th February 2010 - 22:00 7,392,835
akagunay Joined 04th February 2010 - 22:00 2,474,073
auseon3 Joined 04th February 2010 - 22:00 14,687,931
fiumani Joined 04th February 2010 - 22:00 7,589,563
Beavis4040 Joined 04th February 2010 - 22:00 13,474,059
Segan Joined 04th February 2010 - 19:00 12,525,500
GmZ1990 Joined 04th February 2010 - 19:00 19,315,692
Julius-Caesar Joined 04th February 2010 - 19:00 9,608,241
mojo17017 Joined 04th February 2010 - 19:00 4,158,314
Dadacanaidu Joined 04th February 2010 - 16:00 15,690,155
Little Flower Joined 04th February 2010 - 16:00 12,299,996
Heavens Joined 04th February 2010 - 16:00 15,421,052
mccc Joined 04th February 2010 - 16:00 3,862,641
Rhl3 Joined 04th February 2010 - 16:00 16,601,188
Syklon Joined 04th February 2010 - 16:00 16,755,223
panda03 Joined 04th February 2010 - 16:00 4,871,263
Nastyone Joined 22nd January 2010 - 19:00 5,085,218
Rurik I Joined 22nd January 2010 - 07:00 3,432,670


How can any of you talk and be so proud of yourselves.

Proud that you mass recruited to win a world? Why not split the tribe in 2 and go at each other like crazy, surely you guys are a strong enough tribe to be friends after and have some fun in the mean time ;). Split the tribe, do you know how many players in older world would give anything for this.... Win the world, then split your tribe and kill each other. Its a nice accomplishment even though you mass recruited to get where you are xD.

If you look a little lower in the tribal changes numb-nuts, you will see all those players having left DNY earlier in a split due to differences in leadership views. Go back your little hole nub, you aren't worthy of these forums.


If you look a little lower in the tribal changes numb-nuts, you will see all those players having left DNY earlier in a split due to differences in leadership views. Go back your little hole nub, you aren't worthy of these forums.

LMAO, im not worthy of these forums full on noobs that have masses of points and low OD?

Not worthy of forums that a tribe mass recruited to win a world, I dont see why you need to insult me, you have no clue if im an actualy nub or not xD.

Maybe your a nub. Before insulting someone do some digging on the players you insult.


I sure do miss my W12 days, in Fusion, when i shared a K or 2 with The Cracker and Wrckingball ( i think was his name) and then had my morale bashers Asilia and darkknight357 xD mannn good times.


I know you Ghettogirl, have played with you, and know you are no noob. However, I also know that you are mistaken when it comes to DNY.

The world was won long ago, most of the original DNY members have quit, and the rest are simply here to try and clean it up. Splitting the tribe would be silly and pointless as it would simply mean more clean up... and we're sick and tired of doing that.


LMAO, im not worthy of these forums full on noobs that have masses of points and low OD?

Not worthy of forums that a tribe mass recruited to win a world, I dont see why you need to insult me, you have no clue if im an actualy nub or not xD.

Maybe your a nub. Before insulting someone do some digging on the players you insult.

You post with such ignorance it's hard to take you for anything other than an idiot or noob. Make your choice.

Lets start off the with the OD - low compared to what? With most of the big hitters (as most of the top 20 points and OD) such as Mezonis, Monasi, Chulthok etc deleting it's obviously going to be lower. If you look back at all the previous worlds, even with this, the OD of DNY as a tribe (look in-game and not on tw-stats. You should know why) you will find it's very good. CTRL beat it, but CTRL were an equally epic tribe and 6 months older. And if you dare say compare to newer worlds I will be forced to rip you a new one on your ignorance.

If you had the brain cells to read to do a little research yourself you would find this exact area gone over half a dozen times. why should I bother doing digging on someone who refuses to do it themselves? You aren't worth that.
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I know you Ghettogirl, have played with you, and know you are no noob. However, I also know that you are mistaken when it comes to DNY.

The world was won long ago, most of the original DNY members have quit, and the rest are simply here to try and clean it up. Splitting the tribe would be silly and pointless as it would simply mean more clean up... and we're sick and tired of doing that.

Hey Bob, this post I will take into consideration ;). I dont know the situation and didnt realize you guys are pissed off in this world xD.

To be the first world to go is amazing I always thought it would be w1 or 2 first xD.

Its been a while Bob :D How are things.


You post with such ignorance it's hard to take you for anything other than an idiot or noob. Make your choice.

Lets start off the with the OD - low compared to what? With most of the big hitters (as most of the top 20 points and OD) such as Mezonis, Monasi, Chulthok etc deleting it's obviously going to be lower. If you look back at all the previous worlds, even with this, the OD of DNY as a tribe (look in-game and not on tw-stats. You should know why) you will find it's very good. CTRL beat it, but CTRL were an equally epic tribe and 6 months older. And if you dare say compare to newer worlds I will be forced to rip you a new one on your ignorance.

If you had the brain cells to read to do a little research yourself you would find this exact area gone over half a dozen times. why should I bother doing digging on someone who refuses to do it themselves? You aren't worth that.

Your mouth is way to foul,I did my research, but I cant exactly talk to players ingame can I?

It looks like it was a mass recruitment that won the world, if im mistaken so what people make mistakes but I have not once called you any names or initiated a flaming war so go away, I am not talking to you or looking for your opinion any longer b.c clearly you cant treat people in a way you would like to be treated yourself.

Ray Joakim

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
Your mouth is way to foul,I did my research, but I cant exactly talk to players ingame can I?

It looks like it was a mass recruitment that won the world, if im mistaken so what people make mistakes but I have not once called you any names or initiated a flaming war so go away, I am not talking to you or looking for your opinion any longer b.c clearly you cant treat people in a way you would like to be treated yourself.

You should really look into the the world's history more carefully before making some unresearched comment, otherwise you'll be called ignorant (which you clearly are) for making such ridiculous proclamations. It's only understandable to be called ignorant for making an ignorant comment. Generally it is the "nubs" from other worlds who've been making comments such as "why don't you split???", anyway. Even if you feel for some reason that you aren't a noob, you do fit the criteria :s. If you don't know the full story, then please don't make inflammatory posts, like suggesting we're mass recruiters, lol, and you won't be responded to with similarily unresearched comments that annoy you.


Your mouth is way to foul,I did my research, but I cant exactly talk to players ingame can I?

It looks like it was a mass recruitment that won the world, if im mistaken so what people make mistakes but I have not once called you any names or initiated a flaming war so go away, I am not talking to you or looking for your opinion any longer b.c clearly you cant treat people in a way you would like to be treated yourself.

Since you were not part of this world, and since you cannot do a proper "research" you should just stay quiet then.

I played this world, I saw what DNY could do when in war. After W12 (and a long break from TW - yes Ray Joakim, I HAD to quit), I never met a tribe that could compare with DNY.

I saw tribes with maybe some better individual players but regarding strategic planning, team spirit, dedication etc etc etc (all those attributes a great - not descent - tribe should have), DNY has no match.

Anyway, enough with players like you.
Back to DNY: Good job people. You deserved this. You are TW's role model and whoever dares to doubt it either has no clue about you, or confuses individual skills with team efficiency.


Your mouth is way to foul,I did my research, but I cant exactly talk to players ingame can I?

It looks like it was a mass recruitment that won the world, if im mistaken so what people make mistakes but I have not once called you any names or initiated a flaming war so go away, I am not talking to you or looking for your opinion any longer b.c clearly you cant treat people in a way you would like to be treated yourself.

You should really look into the the world's history more carefully before making some unresearched comment, otherwise you'll be called ignorant (which you clearly are) for making such ridiculous proclamations. It's only understandable to be called ignorant for making an ignorant comment. Generally it is the "nubs" from other worlds who've been making comments such as "why don't you split???", anyway. Even if you feel for some reason that you aren't a noob, you do fit the criteria :s. If you don't know the full story, then please don't make inflammatory posts, like suggesting we're mass recruiters, lol, and you won't be responded to with similarily unresearched comments that annoy you.

Ray took the time to answer you far more politely than I would.

If you say something ignorant/stupid, I will treat you as such.
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None of you still make sence, DNY is a great tribe but still come on, have some fun, why play to win the world, why not kill eachother for fun b.c I bet many of you look at the player next to you and think he/she gloats to much and you would love to have a pop at them xD.

Is all of DNYs members origanal from 18months ago?


All those players were previous DNY players. They recently rejoined. (already said?)


Hey Bob, this post I will take into consideration ;). I dont know the situation and didnt realize you guys are pissed off in this world xD.

To be the first world to go is amazing I always thought it would be w1 or 2 first xD.

Its been a while Bob :D How are things.
Thanks, things are going well. I haven't been on a speed world in ages and miss it. Maybe I should jump back in some time.

Sorry about the uber flaming, but several people have been making almost exactly the same statements for months now and so you get some of the top of that as it can get frustrating to repeat the same thing over and over.

In regards to you question as to why we don't split, here's the answer: We've been playing for many years, and end of this world is years past due. When DNY had defeated all the competition and many deleted due to boredom, we were faced with a decision 1.) Mass delete 2.) Split and fight each other 3.) Clean up and finish the world.

1.) Mass delete: the tribe was split on this decision, it was eventually decided against although many deleted anyways.
2.) Split and fight: almost happened a couple times once our highly aggressive players had no enemy to focus on, internal problems do happen when this is the case. However, this was also decided against by everyone, namely because we'd rather have a real fight on a new world rather than fight for a world we'd already won. Many have continued on to mess up other worlds, I think (not 100% sure) W41, W50, W51, and a couple others I think. If we wanted a good fight, there are plenty to be had on other worlds, attacking a semi-active player on a dead world does not really sound very fun to me... wait, I can tell you first hand, it's not. :(
3.) Clean up and finish the world: This was ultimately decided on, it was the only challenge we had not completed. Those that wanted to stay from DNY stayed, many deleted. At this point, as we had already won the world, we did recruit several people who were willing to noble red dots, to help finish the world faster as we didn't want to sit around nobling for another 4 years. Our goal was no longer to prove that we are a great tribe, we had already done that. The goal was to end the world.


Is all of DNYs members origanal from 18months ago?
Pretty much, yes.

DNY did split for a little while, and almost fought, however it was decided against, like I said in my previous post. The recruitment you saw was the split members returning back to DNY. At least the majority of them.


I sure do miss my W12 days, in Fusion, when i shared a K or 2 with The Cracker and Wrckingball ( i think was his name) and then had my morale bashers Asilia and darkknight357 xD mannn good times.

Hi Shadow :icon_wink:
His name is wreckingcrw ;) and stay away from asilia :icon_razz: MINE MINE MINE!!! :icon_twisted:


Ill give you a thanks if you say sorry and tell me you wana be meh friend? :p


Since you were not part of this world, and since you cannot do a proper "research" you should just stay quiet then.

I played this world, I saw what DNY could do when in war. After W12 (and a long break from TW - yes Ray Joakim, I HAD to quit), I never met a tribe that could compare with DNY.

I saw tribes with maybe some better individual players but regarding strategic planning, team spirit, dedication etc etc etc (all those attributes a great - not descent - tribe should have), DNY has no match.

Anyway, enough with players like you.
Back to DNY: Good job people. You deserved this. You are TW's role model and whoever dares to doubt it either has no clue about you, or confuses individual skills with team efficiency.

Thanks for the compliments. I can still see the "I am CCEian, I will fight". I have nightmares over it. :lol:

After Oots I would rate CCE as the best opponite we ever faught.