robi zmaj
So MM, you still like to post big posts 
yh but u sucked, just a tribe of so called "elites" that sucked really
Wow!! things have changed a lot since I was last here. Good thing I left Wisdom before that ship sunk lol
Was Mojo at war with -Evo- or was it =E= ?
I loved that war...
CHE!!! didn't massdelete. It just went inactive and died. I was in CHE!!! at that time and I remember the failure when we declared on BH and when some people launched at NP. Leadership were so afraid of spies that most of our members didn't even get isntructions to launch at all. I only got one order, to support one player who then quit after a few hundred attacks coming in. Anyway, myself, and I believe one more member who I don't remember the name of, went to STORM. At that time the most interesting tribe in my opinion. Not long after, I recieved a mail telling that leadership have decided to massdelete duo to w17 beeing so boring....bla bla bla. I stayed around a while after, taking barbs after STORM, but then decided to quit. Kfollmer gave me an account in BoS and I had some fun again.
One misstake, probably the biggest misstake in my opinion, made by BH were that BoK who had the most active people in BH focused on the wrong area. They were working on Titans in the north for months instead of preparing to face the obvious threat in NP who were moving closer down south. And the feeling among people in BoS that BoK considered themself better then the members in BoS didn't help to boost the fightingspirit much.
CHE were involved in the DoP war - the first real divide within the tribe. Taken into a war many members didn't want and only affected a few created a bad vibe.
Splinter tribes of DoP then became enemies of BA however STORM became nap'd with CHE!!!. CHE!!! loosely get into bed with BA and declare on STORM, half heartly as many of us had good friends in STORM.
Relations between STORM and CHE!!! were tenuous for a long time and it was really after CHE!!! fell that any real alliance was formed in the core... STORM and CQB became allied when CHE!!! fell. CHE!!! was never fighting with Legend and PIXIES was virtually gone thanks to [BA]
Hmm. That whole next stage of the world is a lot of fun. STORM and [BA] were fighting while Legend was sort of fluctuating in strength and Tao attempted to get to the front. Then STORM had it's brain malfunction thanks to tracey and The non-deleting active members became H-EMP. This was annoying because H-EMP and M-EMP probably had the strength to beat [BA] because M-EMP had some sick players. We managed to destroy Art and M-EMP picked up some of the Art players before H-EMP failed as the remaining STORM players quit.
That is all i remember about Storm and its alliance and what not.
PS: through all this, only a handful of players know the reason to CHE's declaration and turn on its DoP who were its allies.
PS2: i highly doubt the tw staff will allow a 4-way alliance world to be closed, but that is just my idea.
Well, it sounded like a good story, and I understand that memories are easy to be mixed from such a distance, but the timeline and some statements are pretty incorrect (and are pretty well documented on both PnP and in-game conversations). Such as the ZOMBIE misery happened at the beginning of the war, and referred to Tracey and co. hijacking that 19 inactive Legend accounts (those have been called zombies, which ultimately resulted in the fact the moderators banned the word from PnP usage at all). It was only an immature "vendetta" that Storm's last name was referring to the banned word, but the relevant background story happened quite a bit earlier.
As a leader who actually discussed it with Shlomzi, diplomat of CHE at that time, I think the reason was that they coveted DoP's position, both as an 'elite tribe', and as their Ks, and only allied to cement their position until they see an exploitable situation. I still remember that Shomzi's main argument was that they should be allowed to declare first as the most elite/biggest/etc tribe of DoP's attackers and be the 'flagship' on our side.
I highly doubt they would maintain a server once the majority stopped buying PPs (due to having no reason of doing so), and quietly closing a world without declaring a winning side after 2-3 years wouldn't get them new customers due to bad marketing decisions either...(I also think W18 ended with a similar amount of tribes on the winning side).
But even worst case, we can just create a Western Alliance family and merge into two tribes, which should suit well to this goal. It really doesn't matter on the last day, rather than it would just sound quite lame (and once again, a bad marketing) if we are forced to do so just to actually have an end of a massively boring game once we killed a dozen hostile tribes and defeated every opponents. That way they would also likely lose/alienate everyone who might have restarted on a new world once we are done here.
Storm declared on BA, and then a few weeks later declared on Tao due to the knowledge that tao would definately be supporting BA's frontline and what not.