tHe BrIDgES aRe bURnEd!!
gROoT hIMsElf iS gETtInG catTeD tOo nOw, hIS adVaNCe Has noW sTOPped As hE iS OUt Of TroOPs
Imagine bragging about duking a world win, and saying your last win was when you merged into another tribe in the same sentence.
"We have hit anywhere from 50-100 nukes at home, they hit maybe 10"

(this is the first time ive ever made any photo like this ik it sucks stfu)
These reports are on literally just sectopod within the last 48-60hrs ish. Not including any I havent seen, not including all the half - 3/4 dv's that have been hit, not including any nukes hit at home belonging to any other player in LSD (Lucy now?)
I recognize that most of these "nukes" are like 1/4 - 1/2 nukes, however that is simply due to the fact that this isnt the first time these villages have been hit. Imagine getting your nukes killed at home, starting to rebuild them, and then allowing them to be hit all over again. Its literally SL all over again

(Love you Ole)