A Sleazy Swansong: How I See World 97

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 11252347
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Deleted User - 11252347

* I no longer play 97 but seeing the forums as they are just make me sad ☹ so inspired somewhat by StarCraft; I’ve written a little something about the world for your entertainment; hope you enjoy! *

World 97 in the Innogames Galaxy


World 97...... Just another nameless planet in the Innogames galaxy we'd been tasked to conquer & mine for its mineral PP wealth. Some call it 97. Others call it home. Me; I call it a planet destined to erupt into total war. It's funny how quickly things start to die out when the mines go dry; the atmosphere changes; no longer are there many small entities; all competing for their little piece of the ultimate prize; but rather only a few fighting for dominance and control of the world. The news gets dull; the community stops coming together to banter; it truly looks desolate for any onlookers.


So why do we slug it out after the wealth of a world is gone? For Honour? Some say its the Glory. Others say just to spite those who had damaged their enterprises prior. Hell I reckon some are just bored and looking for adventure! In a game where PP has becoming the single most important factor in early game success; the industry has died for this world. The miners moved on & only a few factions remain. These are the serious players. The ones here for glory & to take the world in their name. After many moon cycles, most factions had fallen as quickly as they rose. Three key factions remained after the mines had dried; made up of three species; The Zergs, The Protoss & The Terran.

The Zergs


Over the North Western quadrants; a horrid brood of menace has formed. They’ve spread like wildfire over any section they could reach by spreading their nasty ‘creep’ over good farming barbs & any incursions into the north west will be met with stiff resistance. Not much is known of these creatures minus the fact they band tightly together and are vicious in packs.


An interesting people to study, the faction that has banded under the flag ‘Energizer’ are a zerg people, mimicking many of the cultural & strategical tactics employed by the Brood Mother Kerrigan. This faction is ruthless & has developed a nasty reputation in diplomacy for their treacheries. They spread their ‘creep’ over any village they can; especially barbarian villages & cause mass destruction to the lands they control. Led by the Brood Father Ronnigan, the Energizer faction have done themselves no favours all world and currently find themselves caught fighting many enemies at once.


Ronnigan is a ruthless brood father; and keeps his Zerglings firmly in line with promises of discounted eBay items & the joy of a weekly tribal video. Initially other factions worked with the zergs out of necessity. But after repeated betrayals & expansion of zerg creep into Terran & Protoss lands; opinions shifted and now the zergs find themselves facing a multifront war. The Zerg's who once relied on outnumbering & overwhelming their opponents now find themselves outnumbered & overwhelmed. Their armies are exhausted on every front and they face a mountain to turn it around in their favour.


The Terran Peoples:


Most of the East of the world is Terran Lands. Originally, they also held a firm stronghold in the North west but they’ve steadily lost ground to zerg incursions while securing the eastern half of the world. Unlike the zergs who fight under one Brood Father & flag; the Terran people are spread among various factions; some who work together & others who do not. The majority of Terran people find themselves in the dominion of IL. Led by a senate; the dominion of IL finds itself in alliance with two of the other three largest Terran factions.


The friendly factions to the dominion are Lochran’s Raiders aka Annex, in the North West & the IPOD combine in the core, led by ‘dont hit me.’ They share a common enemy in the Zergs. The one Terran faction to oppose the dominion is the United BibBox Directorate (UBD) that holds a dense cluster in the far east.


Originally the UBD worked with the dominion to topple the Terran Confederacy of KoBK. but as soon as the confederacy fell; disagreements with the dominion sparked a war. In the south east, rebel groups still try to band together to battle the dominion although they face increasing pressure & have limited resources available to them. They have openly engaged against the dominion and are holding their own for now. How the friendly factions aligned with the Dominion of IL will interact in the future is also a topic of debate..... will they merge? war like UBD? I'm interested to see how the Terran's sort themselves out and assert dominance over the east of the world.


The Protoss:


Finally, in the southwest a mysterious and powerful people are found. Not much is known of their ways or culture as they generally keep this information among themselves and are reluctant to interact with outsiders. This faction calls itself ‘Creati’ and is a faction of Protoss people. Led by a high council of four; the Creati Protoss pride themselves on trying to abide by the ‘old ways’ of tribalwars and do not officially engage in diplomacy with any faction or people. They firmly hold the South West with only a small band of rebels remaining in the deep south for their absolute domination of the quadrant. Due to the mysterious nature of the Protoss people; their actions have been difficult to predict. However it seems they remembered Zerg interference in a past war which has sparked an aggressive push north into the dense creep formed cores of Ronnigan’s Zerglings.

A warrior people - the Creati Protoss aren't ones to shy from combat and have shown military precision in their operations to date. Definitely the most feared of three factions; the technology available to Creati is astronomically more advanced than that of the Zerg & Terran people. It has allowed them to create less, more powerful warriors and is a bold strategy to employ. The Protoss are extremely tight knit & do not allow outsiders much information about them.


How Are The Big 3 Interacting?

At the moment, the Protoss & Terran peoples are not in active conflict. The focus remains firmly on the zerg scourge in the North West currently & it will be interesting to see how the Brood Father navigates his difficult situation. I would safely say we have entered endgame now with three key contenders left. What happens next I’m eager to see ! All eyes are on the ~IL~/Creati front as to when that will finally pop off; but until then we can keep our eyes pinned to ongoing wars and see how the world is reshaped over the coming weeks & months. I hope you guys enjoyed the read :) I may or may not be posting more threads depending on how the world unfolds, if I have the time and if you guys enjoy this... Next time I'll try to get someone from each tribe to interview now that I am a neutral reporter unattached to any tribe & hopefully we can get some interesting responses. ;) But that's all for today;



Temple of Tom

As a modest diamond league player of seasons past in SC2, this post means one thing. I can confirm that our assignment of the zerg race, clearly signals that Clyde is secretly rooting for an AA victory! Zerg is a powerful and deserving species when it comes to world winning. Ronnigan might be the queen but snowfoxxey is the hivemind.

TG Smurf

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
Great post fleezy, wish the old rep system was still a thing. You truly are a gift to these forums <3


wish the old rep system was still a thing

So that you and your crew can leave distasteful comments in their negative reps to your ingame opponents? No thanks. People like you ruined the old rep system, along with running off dozens of new players over the years who didn't care for the bullying community that you encouraged. I'm glad you and your ilk can't hide your toxicity so easily anymore. And well I at least hope this new "like system" translates to new players not being bullied off the externals.

Great post fleezy, You truly are a gift to these forums <3
I do agree with this part of your message wholeheartedly though. :p

Deleted User - 11252347

Omg why didn't I call AA the Energizergs :eek::oops:

Thank you everyone for the kind words :p

If you're a tribe leader please be in touch ;)

TG Smurf

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
So that you and your crew can leave distasteful comments in their negative reps to your ingame opponents? No thanks. People like you ruined the old rep system, along with running off dozens of new players over the years who didn't care for the bullying community that you encouraged. I'm glad you and your ilk can't hide your toxicity so easily anymore. And well I at least hope this new "like system" translates to new players not being bullied off the externals.

Ruined the old rep system by giving bad rep to butthurt cry baby's that we felt ruined the forums? We was far from bullies just played pnp and bantered well and others didn't like it, the only time someone made clear to us we took something too far we apologised and stopped and are now playing with that person :) as well as many more we was enemies with and used to banter with. We gave as good as we got simple as.

Apologies if you are unable to see past our enemy status like many of your friends/past tribemates have, we give the same banter to friends while playing sports or other online games then we are able to play on side with them the next day. No hard feelings bud, you was a great enemy to play against and your externals presence always kept us amused.


As a modest diamond league player of seasons past in SC2, this post means one thing. I can confirm that our assignment of the zerg race, clearly signals that Clyde is secretly rooting for an AA victory! Zerg is a powerful and deserving species when it comes to world winning. Ronnigan might be the queen but snowfoxxey is the hivemind.
Ruined the old rep system by giving bad rep to butthurt cry baby's that we felt ruined the forums? We was far from bullies just played pnp and bantered well and others didn't like it, the only time someone made clear to us we took something too far we apologised and stopped and are now playing with that person :) as well as many more we was enemies with and used to banter with. We gave as good as we got simple as.

Apologies if you are unable to see past our enemy status like many of your friends/past tribemates have, we give the same banter to friends while playing sports or other online games then we are able to play on side with them the next day. No hard feelings bud, you was a great enemy to play against and your externals presence always kept us amused.

We were even enemies at some point o_O, its all banter at the end of the day.


just from a tactical standpoint, there is absolutely no benefit for the final war until AA is completely rimmed out and irrelevant. If we fight then it gives AA a chance to push our fronts. In starcraft multiplayer its always a good idea to team up against one enemy and then fight after. Why give AA the power to make a difference when they dont deserve it


As a modest diamond league player of seasons past in SC2, this post means one thing. I can confirm that our assignment of the zerg race, clearly signals that Clyde is secretly rooting for an AA victory! Zerg is a powerful and deserving species when it comes to world winning. Ronnigan might be the queen but snowfoxxey is the hivemind.

as a season 1 diamond player its obv fleez wants creati to win because protos >everything else


just from a tactical standpoint, there is absolutely no benefit for the final war until AA is completely rimmed out and irrelevant. If we fight then it gives AA a chance to push our fronts. In starcraft multiplayer its always a good idea to team up against one enemy and then fight after. Why give AA the power to make a difference when they dont deserve it
And what has IL done to deserve the end game fight? Recruit better and more than AA?


Still Going Strong
Reaction score
And what has IL done to deserve the end game fight? Recruit better and more than AA?

Well for one since we aren't an 'elite premade' like you guys, yes, recruitment was part of our process. I like to think theres something very down to earth about a grass roots tribe coming together to succeed against the pre-chosen elite but maybe thats just me. Also, from my opinion we did recruit better (remember Otis? guess who rejected him first?). That being said I'm not here begging for mercy and shaking just making the point that this creati "no diplomacy no recruiting" (and by never, I mean only when its convenient for you of course like every other elite group) doesn't automatically make you best or deserving. That being said I do know you guys have the most experience and I look excitedly towards whatever happens. Unlike you guys I have no false sense of pride or reputation on the line, just the desire to compete at my best with a group of people I did not know 6 months ago, many of whom are now close friends and I think we are going to shock a lot of people.

also TBF I have no idea who this jixsta person is nor am I trying to defend their point. only address the friendly bantz ;)