A Tribal Tale- Fiction


This inspired me to write my own Tribal Wars Fiction short story. Some of my story is based in non-fiction but I hope some of you take the time to read and enjoy.:icon_biggrin:

Part 1 – The Daring Creature

A not so long time ago in a galaxy not so far far away there lived a mysterious creature with whom the world new very little. This creature of course having been new to this world lived far away from the most populated areas of the land where he stumbled upon a small cave in which he decided would be his home. Nearby he found a small village where he would scavenge for scraps occasionally do laborious activities that no one in the village could do in exchange for food and shelter amongst their animals. Fearing the creature many villagers militarized themselves in fear of the creature turning on them.

One day the village was attacked by a small band of barbarians. The creature having lived a semi-comfortable way of life saw this and became increasingly irritated with the savagery of the invading raiders. They destroyed some of the projects he had helped the villagers create. Luckily the villagers had developed weapons and trained a few young men to be soldiers mastering in the art of defense. So onward they went to meet the barbarians head on.

As the battle progressed it became evident that the villagers might use these weapons against him for why had they developed them in the first place? The village could have had no way to know barbarians would attempt a raid. There wasn’t even a defensive wall planned. So the creature ripped a small tree from the ground, broke off the loose branches and charged into battle with his freshly improvised weapon. The villagers having feared the creature would attack them all, not just the barbarians, fled to save their own lives but this was not the creature’s intent for he had a good heart and in some small way cared for the villagers and felt helping in their defense might earn him some respect and better treatment. Maybe even a friend, which he had not yet attained in this land.

The barbarians saw the villagers flee thinking they had given up… but oh were they wrong. The creature swung his weapon and swiped at the barbarians with his large boulder-like fists. The barbarian leader shouted at his men to bring down this beast by attacking his legs for this worked on many large animals he had hunted.

“Attack his legs! Take him to the ground! Then we shall have the upper hand.”

A soldier shouted back, “It’s not working! He is more agile than he looks! His knees won’t even give! His knees have even been wounded with spears and arrows!”

The barbarian leader replied, “Well take out his ankles with axes then!”

“Sir, he doesn’t appear to have any! It’s like his calves run straight to his feet, like a calf ankle.”

The creature, despite being wounded numerous times, continued to fight and managed to kill all of the invaders. After the battle the frightened villagers came out to check on the bloodied creature. How could he have survived those attacks?

The creature responded, “People of the village, fear me not for I am a friend an do not wish to harm you. I ask now that you that allow me alone to recover from my wounds.”

The villagers gave the creature food and drink and let him wonder back to his cave. Having realized how lucky they were that the creature was nearby when the attack happened and how much more evident it had been that he had saved their lives the decide to have a town meeting to discuss how the creature’s future would coincide with his own. They deliberated the pros and cons and realizing there truly were no cons for nobody had even gotten to know the creature on a personal level. After a week or so a small group of men went to the creature’s cave to see if he had recovered and to invite him into the village for they had something to tell him.

When they got to the village it was evident that some sort of festivity was beginning to start. The creature asked what was going on and one of the men told him that they were having a feast in his honor. Throughout the feast many villagers came up to the creature and thanked him for defending their village. They also told him that they were giving him a piece of land in the center of the village in which a small hut had built for him to live in. It then occurred to the villagers that nobody even knew this creature’s name.

“Forgive us but we do not seem to know your name. What shall we call you?”

The creature responded. “ I don’t have a name. Nobody’s ever called me by one nor have I ever thought to give myself one.”

A small child had approached the men and in her nervousness stuttered,
“Ca-ca-ca cankles!”

She had been playing in the very field the battle took place on had hidden herself in some bushes when the invaders arrived and had heard the barbarian leader shouting orders at his men and misheard ‘calf ankles’.

The creature having heard the child said, “Kankles! Call me Kankles… with a K” as he winked at the small child.

Some time passed and Kankles returned to his usual job of helping the village by building things including a stable, a workshop, and a defensive wall. The villagers now treated him with great respect and included him in all of their meetings and eventually proclaimed him as their leader. Still, with all of his success he still had no true friends.

One day he spotted a maiden from another village while scouting and farming in the nearby lands. She was near a small pond feeding some ducks. Curious, Kankles approached slowly and tried to hide himself in some nearby bushes to attain a closer view. Due to his large size it was blatantly impossible for the bushes to hide his great size. The maiden noticed him and did not run in fear as most did when glancing upon him for the first time. She introduced herself and invited him to come back with her to her own village where she had recruited a few knights from other villages to help her in establishing a kingdom of her very own.

"Come my dear friend. I am the Duck Maiden and I will teach you the ways of our people and you will no longer have to live in fear of the other warrior tribes attacking you nor having to fend for yourself."

The creature responded, “I am truly flattered by your invitation. You are the first person to approach me so I will gladly accept your offer.”

And so the two returned to the Duck Maiden’s village. Once there the group of knights, the duck Maiden and Kankles sat down to discuss an alliance to each other to form a tribe and dare to great things. Amongst the group was a knight, named D.C., with whom Kankles got along great with. Kankles returned to his village to inform his people of the agreement. From time to time Kankles would meet with the council of his tribe. He was given the status of baron along with his friend D.C.

There was an increasingly large village nearby with a very persistent and powerful king who hailed from a foreign land, the Red King. The king was leading his own tribe and recruiting other village leaders he felt were the best. Kankles was summoned to the castle on numerous occasions and routinely felt obligated not to entertain the summons for he felt obligated to protect his friends.

Kankles soon began to ponder, “What if this king decides he wants to become aggressive and take over more villages for himself and create an empire?” An action he had already seen happen to few others. All the while the Duck Maiden promoted Kankles to duke giving him the rights as her. Kankles started to communicate with D.C. more regularly and together they decided that it would be in their best interest to join the increasingly powerful king in his 7 Legion tribe. So Kankles dissolved the alliance and together with D.C. and a select few others they went to join the Red King. The Duck Maiden felt betrayed but understood how much she herself had failed as a leader and so she went to a new land to live out her days.

Part 2 – A New Legion

Things were great in this new tribe. There was a great deal of active warriors and together planned a strategy to take over everything they could in the area. Many operations were planned and carried out, some on people more powerful than themselves individually but as tribe the executed perfectly. The tribe grew so much that an even larger alliance was formed with 3 other tribes. Kankles became good friends with the tribe baron named Chuck and a knight known as The Magician. As some of the people in the tribe became sluggish and failed to fulfill their duties to tribe, internal turmoil grew and grew. And so the Red King left the tribe he created to return to his homeland.

Chuck and his fellow baron, the Horse Maiden, were left to run the tribe. The newly appointed duke and duchess promoted Kankles, D.C., The Magician, and another called D1 to baron so that they could be help manage the newly formed 4-division tribe. Things did not run as smoothly as they should have and only a handful members carried out their duties as asked. As 2 allied tribes, one OK and the other focused on killing them all, began advancing on the 7 Legion empire a few in the council were approached by the Pigeon Master who led one of the other 2 tribes. And so a few members decided that his offer would best suit the odds of their survival. And so Kankles, D.C., D1, and other members named Taco(who taught Kankles many skills that he possesses to this day) and Buck left so that there futures would be more secure in this OK tribe.

Part 3 – An O.K. Opportunity

After leaving the 7 Legion Chuck and the Magician felt betrayed. Kankles having developed a good relationship with Chuck was targeted by their tribe for he not only seemed to be a facilitator but also was isolated from the OK tribe’s help. But where they failed to successfully eliminate Kankles, D1 and a new tribe mate Syd aided in his defense and recovery. Realizing how awesome his new tribe was Kankles vowed to redeem himself and show the 7 Legion what he could really do.

Little by little Kankles regained not only where he had lost but also much more so until eventually becoming a great power in his land(under the tutelage of the Northern Partier, Mes). The Horse Maiden too joined this tribe and began. Some time passed and D.C. and d1 left the warrior world to live out peaceful lives. The Horse Maiden soon followed leaving her empire in the care of another. All the while tensions were brewing with another large tribe in the West and soon this new tribe was forced to Bring It On…

[FONT=&quot]If you don’t know this part of the story then you should probably do some research[/FONT]

Part 4 – A Most Interesting Finish?

Kankles now has a focus on destroying this pesky brotherhood of knights who pose a thorn in the back side of the Most Interesting Tribe in the World where he is crushing all that stand in his way becoming more and more of a Juggernaut. He layeth the smacketh down. LOL

To be continued....

[FONT=&quot]I hope you enjoyed my story(thus far) and feel free to comment.

Sorry, but I couldn't get the spoilers to work right.
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