How the hell did that pointwhoring nub get an academy so quickly? Clicky o_O
hanibalii Guest Sep 29, 2012 #1 How the hell did that pointwhoring nub get an academy so quickly? Clicky Last edited: Sep 29, 2012
DeletedUser107679 Guest Sep 29, 2012 #2 You know I don't have to click that to see its actually a youtube link.. stupid thread.
DeletedUser Guest Sep 29, 2012 #4 I hope his academy rots within it's walls and his nobleman die from brain tumor. Oh...and congrats to him for being the first to get an academy!
I hope his academy rots within it's walls and his nobleman die from brain tumor. Oh...and congrats to him for being the first to get an academy!
DeletedUser Guest Sep 29, 2012 #5 hanibalii said: How the hell did that pointwhoring nub get an academy so quickly? Clicky Click to expand... Because he never gives up
hanibalii said: How the hell did that pointwhoring nub get an academy so quickly? Clicky Click to expand... Because he never gives up
DeletedUser67005 Guest Sep 30, 2012 #10 Tis what happens when you let your guard down. (Got me, too...)
hanibalii Guest Sep 30, 2012 #13 ArmyOfLoners said: Very clever, moved to proper place. Click to expand... I think clever just got downgraded...
ArmyOfLoners said: Very clever, moved to proper place. Click to expand... I think clever just got downgraded...