He's still not good enough :icon_biggrin:. War on, enemies of Wobble.
DeletedUser Guest Apr 12, 2013 #801 He's still not good enough :icon_biggrin:. War on, enemies of Wobble.
DeletedUser110528 Guest Apr 13, 2013 #802 reggietommy said: I think Wobble would rather lose on stats for a week to AAA than merge.....but, as neither are going to happen..... Click to expand... They just did. :|
reggietommy said: I think Wobble would rather lose on stats for a week to AAA than merge.....but, as neither are going to happen..... Click to expand... They just did. :|
DeletedUser Guest Apr 13, 2013 #803 You seem to suffer from "perpetually behind the times". Typical causes: Not paying attention and not reading before posting. Typical cures: Self-explanatory.
You seem to suffer from "perpetually behind the times". Typical causes: Not paying attention and not reading before posting. Typical cures: Self-explanatory.
DeletedUser Guest Apr 13, 2013 #804 Can I Fry That? said: They just did. :| Click to expand... I mean, seriously? keep up *exasperation*