Today. On the 5th of July, Anno Domini 2013. Right in the centre of K45
The Duke of Awwh! challenges The Duke of TCU
to a one-on-one duel.
The Duke of Awwh! challenges The Duke of TCU
to a one-on-one duel.
Nickr102 (that's the Duke of TCU) has worked with sacredfool (that's me!) since the first week of this world. Recent developments, namely him playing tribalhugs made me decide a lesson might be in order. He has recruited around me, breaking previous agreements. He merged with MALT, a small K45 tribe I wanted to attack next. Generally, he did a lot to annoy me. And that is never a good sign.
I have nothing against the tribe of TCU, it was great to work with them however the decisions made by their leadership have many-a-time been atrocious. It's their leadership I want to teach a lesson. Just in case the rest of TCU want to get involved - in my opinion it's their free choice but if that is the case I reserve myself the right to involve third party forces as well.
I dedicate this message to anyone in TCU who thinks of sending Nickr support:

Any troops found in nickr's villages will be nuked. Survivors will be nuked again. You've been warned.
[spoil]Hello TCU.
Yesterday, Nickr102 has decided to merge with [ally]MALT[/ally] without notifying me. This has broken the NAP between [ally]Awwh![/ally] and [ally]TCU[/ally]. I sent him a mail about it yesterday.
[/spoil]sacredfool Jul 04,2013 23:24
Because of the upcoming TCU/MALT merge I am currently suspending the NAP between TCU and Awwh! with immediate effect.
The original terms of the NAP can no longer be met since expansion north is no longer possible for me. I will need to see how it can be renegotiated. Tomorrow I'll make decisions.
nickr102 Jul 04,2013 23:27
You sent that to the whole tribe or just me?
sacredfool Jul 05,2013 00:24
Just you.
nickr102 Jul 05,2013 00:24
Thanks. And I hear you're talking to WP about possible diplomacies?
sacredfool Jul 05,2013 00:25
No idea, I just make troops and stuff. Its sparks here
nickr102 Jul 05,2013 00:26
Ah okyou need to persuade him to carry on the NAP with TCU - or atleast remain PA's with me
sacredfool Jul 05,2013 00:27
Mate, I just got on the account, I have no idea who is who atm. I just push buttons
nickr102 Jul 05,2013 00:28
I bet!
As it's very much a matter between me and Nickr I have challenged him to a one-on-one TribalWars duel. If he talked it through with me, it all might have ended differently. I have nothing against TCU, you guys have been great friends, but your leadership can't carry out aggressive recruitment around me without any reaction.
Best regards,
What does my one man tribe plan to achieve with this? My goals are as follows:
1) First and foremost, not be surrounded by blue.

2) Secondly, show others how to stomp out turtles.

3 )Third... is there a third? Yes there, and it's the most important. Have fun.