Account for grab?


Heya people i just came back to TW after a long break and atm i am just looking to take over an account i would really love to have an account in this world

My timing is from 9 to 22 st (on and off)

Experience: welll i have played some very good accounts and have handled many multi million (links available)

I just want to join this world so i can have some Fun with some big wars :icon_twisted:

You dont have to worry about things like T TRAIN or Sniping i can handle it easily

if you wanna contact me please add me on skype

Skype: Twisaddicted


Yarrr this still available? I be in need of a new account since Wobble thwarted me of mine and gave me the boot. Yarrr makes my timbers shivering thinking about how easy TB is winning this war.. YARRR!!!!