Account Needed


Looking for an account to play.

Preferably some account where owner has quit and email can be changed.

Wont need a coplayer so please dont ask me to coplay.




Always hard for someone to give away a hard thought account to a scavenger, just saying...

But best of luck finding one.


There's still plenty of accounts in the world that are inactive and need a new owner on this world actually. Better to have a new player than spend all your time internalling a perfectly good account. Good luck in your search!


Always hard for someone to give away a hard thought account to a scavenger, just saying...

But best of luck finding one.

I was playing a top 25 account and duking a top 3 tribe in w73 before I had to leave due to real life.

Dont think of me as a scavenger but someone who brings back dead to life.

Scavenger is those who eat inactive accounts by internal rather then finding new owner.


I was playing a top 25 account and duking a top 3 tribe in w73 before I had to leave due to real life.

Dont think of me as a scavenger but someone who brings back dead to life.

Scavenger is those who eat inactive accounts by internal rather then finding new owner.

Dont get me wrong, im not doubting your ability im just saying that in general people who ask to take over peoples high point accounts normally dont get alot of luck, i suppose alot of time because its normally new people or people who cant be arsed or never have grown an account for themselves so they just nick someonme elses but sometimes there is always someone looking for a getaway and you might get lucky and find one if you the player you say you are, afterall tribes would prefer accoutns to be in safe hands than for it to be getting wrecked over and over again.

ouch that hurts....are u playing this world Tomb raider?

No not anymore, i was breifely in ODA, only playing w75 on new account and w76 when it starts, but thought i would just post my 2 cents seeing as i have seen alot of these threads recently.