The very core vision of the game is not you succeeding on your own.
Actually it is, considering how the game was thought of and implemented, the idea is for you to succeed alone such that at some point you join a like-minded tribe or form your own. Both hinge on organic development - not 'boosters' like co-playing and groups of friends gaming the system.
It's literally you succeeding in a tribe of players working together.
Eventually, yes. Stop skipping ahead or are you too used to rocket through that 1st phase because of your buddy cusion?

Pretty self-defeating when that tribe of players starts up simply because some people love gaming the system together, eh?
Hence, defeats the whole idea of the game as there's nothing organic about such endeavors. Like there isn't anything organic about a bot abusing automation or 10 co-players Farmville-ing their way to gratification.
So would then the games vision not align more with succeeding in your account with others? Working with them for the benefit of the account. Contributing different skills and knowledge just like the account would to the tribe?
If that were the actual case in reality, i.e. would actually translate that way - yup. For that matter, they would have designed it that way. They didn't. They didn't intend on how this evolved. Your answer is in how and why it evolved this way, and the reasons are numerous and quite valid.
How many of the actual premade tribes/co-played/pp farming system gamers out there are interested in "contributing different skills and knowledge" or "succeeding in your account with others" or "working with them for the benefit of the account"?
I'm quite certain you know pretty well from actual experience that the reasons people gang up to co-play and game the system is for the simple gratification of saying they were a part of it. Which technically folows that core i'm talking about - but practically it doesn't since it's used as just another way to rush that up. It's a simple giving in, nothing more. Why grind it out and get ultimate gratification when you can speed it up by using others? It's cheapening the game, not enjoyment or skill.
More importantly, as I'm sure you can see for yourself, most co-play happens actually because of tribe limits, some ridiculously low.
Or haven't you ran a tribe in a while (yup, an organic one, not a premade buddy fest) to have to deal with new or returning players (or even active ones) busting and backstabbing each other for those eventual spots?
Do an exercise and remove limits, or increase them somewhat. See how much co-playing happens then. It will drastically reduce and the ones that do co-play further are doing it most likely out of simple habit, being already used to the 'benefits' this play style provides. Fun fact? Would improve skill immesurably for everyone involved since it could act as a counter-weight to all that co-playing if more players are able to bunch up together organically and actually have real chances.
Wanting solo playing only kills that core value.
The whole idea that the game revolves around you the player succeeding by yourself is just flat out wrong.
Please, stop extracting context. You seem to have a habit of doing that. Read what I've said, nowhere did I propose that the whole idea of the game is to be a lone-wolf, not in the slightest. I'm talking about an organic path, presently designed in the game since its inception that still holds true to this day. The only ones changing that paradigm are the ones who insist on adopting this play-style since by its very nature it's aimed at nullifying that initial period of doing it yourself, until you don't have to, by way of tribes and the organics related to it.
If you can't manage to succeed with others for your account what makes it likely that you can succeed with others in a tribe.
I'm not going to dignify this with a further answer since anyone can clearly see the whole reason someone (new, active, or returning) might not succeed on his own is that people are already farm-villed in by the dozens or hundreds gaming the system even before the world starts.
Pretty hard to succeed on your own when the other side is 10x bigger in every respect simply because they're, essentially, gaming it, right?
It's not even an argument because you're trying to compare 1x person vs 10 or more people on an account/in a tribe. It's laughable.
The game has never been about who is the most skilled player there isn't a 1v1 or anything. It's always been the ability to work with others and as a group.
I'll repeat it, just to be safe. Organically & eventually. 10+ years of Inno thinking it, designing it and promoting that way and you're simply invalidating that it isn't the case.
Well, crikey, they've been delusional all these years, and that "come play co-play style" must have slipped out of their marketing and design messages.
Why haven't they implemented co-play more officially then?
Why hasn't the game been designed that way?
Why hasn't the game been promoted that way?
Why does support, even now (last check a 2 weeks ago) answer you that they technically discourage and don't support co-play?
Why do people need to end messages with /person 1 /person2 or add a list of names to the account profile description to inform everyone who are the people playing on it? Should have been more official ways of doing that, supported by Inno, if they intended to be about "the ability to work with others and as a group" in the view you're trying to force.
Stop grasping at straws just because you like, use or support co-play. At least come up with better arguments. I'm essentially talking about ultimately supporting it officially and modifying the game as such if that's the view of the team & the community as a majority. It's not yet though, is it? Which hints at a problem that no one seems to want to tackle, not at the fact that it might be the best way to go, as you seem to perceive it
Usually the main excuses for not wanting a coplayer is that you usually are too anal about the control of the account, trust, etc. Basically meaning you have a shitty personality and can't get along with others.
Maybe in your experience. I've met plenty of people who simply find it dissatisfying to game that way. You do realise that this notion of "co-play" has only been seen, historically, through other games/gaming in general employed by: cheaters or people who are looking to artificially speed up the benefits in some way. To my knowledge, there isn't a single game out there, let alone on the popularity level of TW that support or encourages co-play in this fashion, or any for that matter.
I'd love to see you highlight the opposite of excuses in the context I quoted from your post. Meaning, motivations behind wanting to co-play. If you're fair and not a biased forum clown, you'll start invalidating your own...arguments.