Your definition of active is different than mine. I am active, Bundy is active, Adam is active, zeeuet is active, etc. The ones you took vills from are not. Sure, they may have brief spells where they play the game actively for a short time, but at the end of the day, you are conquering from players who have long since been bored and play half heartedly. A conquer is a conquer, don't disagree with that, but bragging about taking almost 100% inactive vills...and not that many to boot in such a long time...isn;t brag worthy in my opinion.
So we can make up definitions now? My definition of active is the one most people use. But if you want to make one up to fit your own little fantasy world, good for you. Whether or not it is brag-worthy, I didn't I don't see your point.
I asked Plight to help noble their inactives. Nobody else was or they were doing so at a pace so slow, if they turned around to look the other direction they'd still be facing backwards...:lol:
I see mass opportunity in Plight to capitalize on thousands of inactive villages, it is just a shame no one else shares my observation. No one else besides C² that is...
So they still gave you villages that they knew you wouldn't use for the war they're fighting; still pretty desperate (and useless as well). But hey, you want to say that c2's targets are inactive too? Well, let's go down the list:
grandecapo - Challenged
us to come to him in K65, and when c2 did, he crumbled easily. He may be inactive now...but when c2 attacked, he was very much active by all definitions.
Axlthecat - The first new owner sucked, and the second one told me all about how he was getting coplayers and sitters to be on 24/7. But sure, he's inactive, right? Whatever fits your fantasy world.
haza teh great - He's the only one who hasn't crumbled, but he's still down 14 villages in the past month.
There are others who lost in smaller amounts, but most of them
are active by your definitions and mine. Though I'm sure you'll just invent a new one to fit your point, as you're like to do :lol:.
Your light is almost always green on here...and I'm the troll? :lol: You could have simply said nothing at all, but instead decided to make yet another snide remark about Plight. If you can't take it, don't dish it out. :icon_cool:
Let me educate you on a few things. Firstly, I can deal with your ignorance pretty well; it's fixing it that's difficult to do :lol:. Secondly, my "snide remark" has plenty more factual basis than your remarks about me (making up definitions doesn't count). Thirdly, you seem to be watching my light often. That scares me. I know I'm awesome and all, but that's just a tad creepy :icon_cool:. Fourthly, you seem to forget that people can leave windows open on their computer...without being at their computer. And lastly, you need to learn the definition of troll. A troll is usually defined as someone who talks and flames everything, but does nothing in-game. Which, as you admit, is what you do. But if we're making up definitions, I'm gonna join in on the fun!
The Gammy 1 - A good-for-nothing nub who can't get along with his tribe leaders, can't get people to follow him, can't play the game well, and likes to troll the forums because he has nothing to do in-game.
Oh wait, most of that was true. I will make one up somehow, I swear :icon_evil:.
Call it what you'd like, but the fact of the matter is...if the gammy account wanted to annihilate the robonot account, it wouldn't be too difficult a task. You can jump for joy and clap your hands about nobling 37 villages in almost 3 months...I sometimes noble that many in one day. But that's right, I forgot that while the rest of your better tribemates are out conquering 'hundreds' of enemy're content with your 37 vills from inactive or semi active players. :lol:
Oh yeah, you could annihilate it like you annihilated Ende, right :lol:? You can jump for joy and clap about nobling 37 inactive villages in a day and not doing anything else for a month while not warring, I'll take my
active conquers over your
inactive conquers anyday :icon_wink:. But yeah, other players in c2 do far more than I could do, and I'm fine with that. I was defending myself against
your remarks, if you don't recall. But your short-term memory in your own world seems to be working against you remembering anything correct :lol:.
Ride those backs, yee-haw!
Oh the irony of someone who is riding the back of Plight, nobling their inactives to grow, telling me that I'm riding c2's backs when I do some small contribution :lol:.
:lol: B~N~H isn't a failure. You have to actually do something to be able to fail at it...:lol: And I don't recall any member that I tried to hold onto.
My definition of failure in a tribal sense (we can make these up now, right?) is a tribe that doesn't contribute to a war (besides the war on barbs/inactives, of course). Well, you're now a failure :icon_rolleyes:.
Your members should want to stay with you, you shouldn't have to try to hold onto them. But seeing as you don't know that, it's OK. Just keep telling yourself you're a good player, Gammy, I'm sure your world will eventually
go up in flames from the ignorance be great!
You need your hanky now oral? I can sense that you are upset. :lol:
Again, the irony of someone getting butthurt over my remarks at Plight (which he is not a part of) and flaming me telling me that
I'm upset is laughable :lol:.
What makes that's your business, and furthermore what makes you think you can mock someone and not get mocked back?
Oh, I don't know, I'm just commenting on a war that
I'm involved in, and
you are not? What makes it your business what I say about Plight, when you're not in it? What makes it so that you can tell me it
isn't my business? My definition of my business (still making these up, right?) is anything I want to talk about. I didn't mock
someone, I mocked a tribe with valid sarcasm. What made me think I wouldn't get mocked back? Nothing at all, really, I just expected it to be some kind of actually valid statements. Then again, maybe I shouldn't have expected better statements, because you're suddenly the guiding light of Plight's forum presence (truly are desperate, eh?) now. And let's not forget, the mocking that was sent at me was off-topic; mine was not. But hey, I shouldn't learn to expect too much from pointwhoring nubs, eh Gammy :icon_wink:?
Again, if you can't take it, don't dish it out.
Again with the irony :lol:.
You just wanted to be a troll. :lol:
What's funny is, the definition of troll that you're accusing me of here is different from the one you accused me of above! Two definitions in one post for the same word, you are truly great at this game Gammy :lol:! The first quote you have is me
responding to your trolling. Good call on that one! The second two are, yes, snide remarks that are on-topic. Get over it, and go back to doing nothing useful in-game while crying about how you can't help Plight because they won't let you.
Whoops, I told you I wouldn't say anything about the crying. My bad!