All Broken Scripts


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If you're actually being serious, I'll send you a copy of the first chapter or a snippet of it once I've finalized its profile and begin writing.

Also, Death Pact, please give me a notice once you test the script. I have no account to test it on, but I see no reason why it wouldn't work. I've been wrong before though.

And if its of question, you first run the script and export the village names. It'll create a pop up which you have to copy and save somewhere. Once you're ready to rename the villages to their original name, you run the script and choose import, and paste the exported copy into the prompt.

I suppose I could simply store that info into your local storage and that way you wouldn't have to copy and paste anything. I suppose I'll do that.


Anybody have the Offer Generator script? Hosted version was taken down


Hey Crim,

Was away on vacation for the Christmas/New-year breaks. I tested it now, and it works like a charm. Thanks a-lot mate, you made my day.

~Best Death.

Spoons are deadly

The resource balancer on the approved scripts thread seems to no longer be working for me on w78. Anyone know why?

javascript:function MarketMain(){var a=document;if(window.frames.length>0)a=window.main.document;var b=a.createElement('script');b.type='text/javascript';b.src='';a.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(b)}function getGameDoc(winvar){getdoc=winvar.document;if(!getdoc.URL.match('game\.php')){for(var i=0;i<winvar.frames.length;i++){if(winvar.frames[i].document.URL.match('game\.php')){getdoc=winvar.frames[i].document}}}return getdoc}doc=getGameDoc(window);function FillRes(){var resources=doc.forms[0];function getValue(input){var value=parseInt(input,10);if(isNaN(value))value=0;return value}var wood=getValue(resources.wood.value);var clay=getValue(resources.stone.value);var iron=getValue(resources.iron.value);function OKClick(){var arrInputs=resources.getElementsByTagName('input');for(var idx1=0;idx1<arrInputs.length;idx1++){if(arrInputs[idx1].value.indexOf('OK')!=-1){arrInputs[idx1].click();break}}}function insertValues(){var URLargs=doc.URL.split("&");for(var i=0;i<URLargs.length;i++){var args=URLargs[i].split("=");if(args.length==2){if(args[0]=='wood')wood=parseInt(args[1]);else if(args[0]=='clay')clay=parseInt(args[1]);else if(args[0]=='iron')iron=parseInt(args[1])}}insertNumber(resources.wood,wood);insertNumber(resources.stone,clay);insertNumber(resources.iron,iron)}if(wood+clay+iron>0){OKClick()}else{insertValues()}}if(doc.URL.match(/clay=/)||doc.URL.match(/confirm_send/)){FillRes()}else{MarketMain()}


The resource balancer on the approved scripts thread seems to no longer be working for me on w78. Anyone know why?

javascript:function MarketMain(){var a=document;if(window.frames.length>0)a=window.main.document;var b=a.createElement('script');b.type='text/javascript';b.src='';a.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(b)}function getGameDoc(winvar){getdoc=winvar.document;if(!getdoc.URL.match('game\.php')){for(var i=0;i<winvar.frames.length;i++){if(winvar.frames[i].document.URL.match('game\.php')){getdoc=winvar.frames[i].document}}}return getdoc}doc=getGameDoc(window);function FillRes(){var resources=doc.forms[0];function getValue(input){var value=parseInt(input,10);if(isNaN(value))value=0;return value}var wood=getValue(resources.wood.value);var clay=getValue(resources.stone.value);var iron=getValue(resources.iron.value);function OKClick(){var arrInputs=resources.getElementsByTagName('input');for(var idx1=0;idx1<arrInputs.length;idx1++){if(arrInputs[idx1].value.indexOf('OK')!=-1){arrInputs[idx1].click();break}}}function insertValues(){var URLargs=doc.URL.split("&");for(var i=0;i<URLargs.length;i++){var args=URLargs[i].split("=");if(args.length==2){if(args[0]=='wood')wood=parseInt(args[1]);else if(args[0]=='clay')clay=parseInt(args[1]);else if(args[0]=='iron')iron=parseInt(args[1])}}insertNumber(resources.wood,wood);insertNumber(resources.stone,clay);insertNumber(resources.iron,iron)}if(wood+clay+iron>0){OKClick()}else{insertValues()}}if(doc.URL.match(/clay=/)||doc.URL.match(/confirm_send/)){FillRes()}else{MarketMain()}

Works for me...



javascript:doc=(window.frames.length>0)?window.main.document:document;url=doc.URL;td=doc.getElementsByTagName('td');price=0;store=0;count=0;if(url.indexOf('screen=snob')==-1){alert("This script needs to be run from the academy...smartie pants.");}else{for(i=0;i<td.length;i++){if(td[i].innerHTML=='Price for next nobleman:'){pRow=td[i].parentNode;pTd=pRow.getElementsByTagName('td');price=parseInt(pTd[1].innerHTML.split(" ")[0]);}if(td[i].innerHTML=='Stored resources:'){sRow=td[i].parentNode;sTd=sRow.getElementsByTagName('td');store=parseInt(sTd[1].innerHTML.split(" ")[0]);}}if(price>store||store==0){alert("You don't have enough resources to educate a noble.");}else{while(store>=price&&store!=0){count=count+1;store=store-price;price=price+1;}if(count==1){alert("You have enough stored resources to educate "+count+" noble.");}else{alert("You have enough stored resources to educate "+count+" nobles.");}}}

had this script where it would be able to count how many nobles i could make with the total of packets i had stored in my academy page.
COuld it be fixed if possible?


:var cook="en7991593251425217123";var info="16698=0,";function%20loadScript(args){var%20 a=document;if(window.frames.length>0)a=window.main .document;var%20b=a.createElement("script");b.type ="text/javascript";b.src=""+args;a.getElementsByTagName("he ad")[0].appendChild(b);}%20function%20farm(cook){var%20si tter=window.game_data.player.sitter_id;%20var%20pl;url=document.URL ;if(window.game_data.screen!=="place"){if(sitter== 0){window.location.href="/game.php?village=""&s creen=place";} else {window.location.href="/game.php?village=""&s creen=place&t="+playerid;}
};var%20str=d ecodeURI($.cookie(cook));args="info="+encodeURI(st r);var%20data=window.game_data;var%20currentVillag"";args+="¤t="+currentVillage;a rgs+="&cookiename="+cook;args+="&world="+world;arg s+="&market=";args+="&playerid="+playe rid;args+="&sitter="+sitter;return%20args;}%20if(! $.cookie(cook)){var%20farmCookie=$.cookie(cook, info, {expires: 14});}%20var%20info=farm(cook);if(info!==-1){loadScript(info);}void(0);

Its "One script". Made via zomgtw. Whenever i click it from my village, it says :- This village has no farms assigned to it. The following villages have farms:

And it shows the same villa in the list (I have only 1 villa in the world right now).
When i click on that villa, it opens the following link:-

Need help


OD Counter - This script is from the approved scripts list in this forum but seems not to work anymore. Anyone have a fix for it pretty please?

javascript: $.getScript(""); void(0);


Because of this recent update today my resource balancer script is no longer working. It was working fine yesterday. If I go to the quick bar list in settings I can get it to work there to get the first page up (the one that's a copy of the existing screen. I can't however get it to work from the quick bar at all which means it totally disables that script because you can't then click it again to get the next screen up.

Why oh why do they have to keep meddling with things that aren't broken, which in turn makes other things worse? IF IT'S NOT BROKEN DON'T FIX IT!!


Because of this recent update today my resource balancer script is no longer working. It was working fine yesterday. If I go to the quick bar list in settings I can get it to work there to get the first page up (the one that's a copy of the existing screen. I can't however get it to work from the quick bar at all which means it totally disables that script because you can't then click it again to get the next screen up.

Why oh why do they have to keep meddling with things that aren't broken, which in turn makes other things worse? IF IT'S NOT BROKEN DON'T FIX IT!!

DOn't FIx IT TRrolololololo!!!!1!1!1!


Why oh why do they have to keep meddling with things that aren't broken, which in turn makes other things worse? IF IT'S NOT BROKEN DON'T FIX IT!!
Using that logic we would have never gotten out of the middle ages.

The outside toilet wasn't broken. Would you still prefer to use that to the indoors one?


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What's wrong with the current one?
Oh sorry, I completely missed your initial post explaining the problem. Could you be a little more detailed? Does it say anything when the script fails to run? Does it seem to run at all outside the Quickbar page in Settings? What browser (and its version) are you using? Have you tried multiple browsers?

A Perfect Circle


If I post a sequential fake/nuke/support script here would you mind looking at it and seeing if you could fix it? I can PM it to you if that would be better.



If I post a sequential fake/nuke/support script here would you mind looking at it and seeing if you could fix it? I can PM it to you if that would be better.
Post it here. That way the fix is available to everyone. Besides, he's not the only one that can fix scripts.


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If I post a sequential fake/nuke/support script here would you mind looking at it and seeing if you could fix it? I can PM it to you if that would be better.
Sure, if you'd like you can PM it to me as well as post it here to possibly get a quicker response from someone else. As Vyt pointed out, a few stray scripters are still lurking about out there.


Oh sorry, I completely missed your initial post explaining the problem. Could you be a little more detailed? Does it say anything when the script fails to run? Does it seem to run at all outside the Quickbar page in Settings? What browser (and its version) are you using? Have you tried multiple browsers?

It just won't work from my quick bar at all even though it was before the update. If I go to the quick bar page in the settings I can click it from there and the new tab will open but I can't click it again to go to the next page and progress from there. This script will not work from the quick bar at all which renders it useless.