if life throws lemons at you make lemonade...
i think ...34.. just suck the lemons and complain
i think ...34.. just suck the lemons and complain
I'll be waiting for your proof, 'til then I doubt you've got 2.
Like I said, I provided proof. You haven't.
someones bitter?
Yes all been inactive, when we started hitting. As you stated, check Twstats that tells you otherwise.
Have a nice day,
One on one, equal footing, you guys would have buckled in no time flat. If PITA wasn't playing so conservatively and did what they should do and nail you while you're completely occupied fighting a tribe a third your size, you'd fail. Heck, if you hadn't received support from them, you'd have failed! This is like... The perfect storm of bad Tribal Wars that actually let your untalented dictatorship somehow limp by. You should be grateful it happened, and humbled by your betters.
That's why PITA didn't war them, sadly. PITA would rather fight the worse tribe. Sad truth.
Yeah, because you know so much better monsterbro? Let the big boys talk please.
Over 10 incomings? I'm sorry, at least I'm not a noob.
You've been a noob for awhile monsterbro, -34- should be ashamed to have you. Maybe you're the reason they're losing?
Oh please, they asked me to join. So what if I only learned to snipe now? -34- would've clearly benefitted more from having me than you.
GotRob's lucky to be fighting you. No wonder PITA wasn't fighting GotRob, they know you're an easier target.
And yet strangely you've been in two tribes that fell to GotRob, and I've been in one? Hypocrisy at its finest.
-34- is losing to GotRob because of terrible players like you; don't flatter yourself.
My premade players never even fought GotRob. The ones who did were you and Humbletree, and we both know you did far worse.
I'll take this to PM now, no need arguing publicly with someone who can't even send a proper train.
sorry but ill say what i want