Hehehe. You are trying! Bless ya little cotton socks! Unfortunately, again, you are just demonstrating your own ignorance of the matter, so perhaps YOU should just stop replying :icon_wink:
All of the conquers there were given to S-D without a fight (except the WoSha one), as we were looking to set up the everyone-versus-Ya Bro alliance. The one village they got of mine, again, was given over freely for that very reason; it was 12+ hours away from all of my others, and S-D wanted it as a church village. At the time they were thanking us for being sensible about things, when most of aTo were still resolutely clinging to the Ya Bro alliance. Of course, feel free to re-write the facts (context-free) long after the event :icon_rolleyes:
EDIT: I'd like to also say that my initial assertion was: "I quit aTo to fight Ya Bro with HeYoo, long before S-D got anywhere near me". Obviously this does depend on your definition of "near", but seeing as I was primarily north K47 at the time and the majority of those conquers were mid-K57, I wouldn't say that was them getting anywhere near me. Of course, feel free to post a list of conquers without a map to refute a geographical assertion. I mean, you ignore context everywhere else, so why not here, too? :icon_rolleyes:
I'm not denying that you wanted to fight vs Ya Bro (yet, at least you said once in externals that you want fight vs Ya Bro unlike other aTo council), what I'm saying is didn't that happen because you saw aTo is in trouble already?
About your position, you probably can see that in about 1.5 to 2 months later, a player bigger and more far than you called World Shapers got eaten by S-D in K38/37/48/47. So I would say yes, S-D was getting very close to you.
Another interesting thing to me is that you claim all those villages were given for free to S-D while your player called dnanb has gained about 8mil ODD over those villages.
And a 3rd point is, in the same time period (that you claim you wanted to fight vs Ya Bro), you used majority (or maybe all) of your nukes to hit S-D's duke. Later (about 1 month later) your account's new player confirmed this also by checking the old reports. that doesn't look correct to me based on your own claims and I'm confused about this one.
You say I "ignore context everywhere", that is while I'm talking with numbers and reasons while you keep talking with nothing provable but just your own claims/words.
Also, this ^. Despite only being in 76 chats and not on the world, I've still heard a lot about Ya Bro getting "wrecked". Primarily it's sat accounts, or inactive accounts, going up against co-ordinated OPs from either S-D or Cure. Now obviously Cure and S-D deserve credit for this, as co-ordination in the face of mounting inactivity from both sides is impressive in itself, but equally it is a bit of a shame that we didn't see this kind of thing earlier in the world. After all, the same players still exist on both sides, so why weren't Ya Bro getting "wrecked" 6 months ago? The answer? They weren't as inactive then
I'm now arriving to a point that I believe you aren't a normal person from the IQ point of view ...
6 months ago S-D was a small rim tribe with players having something like 5 or 10 villages and Ya Bro always had size advantage until about 1 month ago over Cure + GAS and later Cure + S-D ...
The majority of inactives on Ya Bro front lines were nobled either by BonlxX, S3xyAndYouKnowIt and Hinro and I believe in some points they were given actually by Ya Bro to them, since they started to peace about 1 month ago and plan for an aTo + Ya Bro merge. As you already see that Ya Bro + aTo + AMAZON started fighting in same front like they used to do months ago.
Technically they should be counted as NOMZ also was part of the alliance and declared war on ya bro along with the others.
Did NOMZ do anything else other than giving free villages and players to Ya Bro?
You can't say just because they also were fighting vs Ya Bro, you should count their stats combined with other tribes like Cure ...
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PS: devil25793, stop pretending to not knowing anything about Ya Bro working with aTo/AMAZON :icon_wink: