Rejected by Developer An Idea to improve the population of new servers.

Deleted User - 10301732

Many of us have been here a very long time. An unhealthy amount of time, to be fair. But as the numbers on the world's went up, the sizes of the world's dropped. I can hardly imagine a world with 800 million points now, let alone billions like in the past. I know, we all have moved on from wanting wars that last 4, 5, 6+ years. But I wanted to propose an idea to slightly counteract the loss of map space being used as players are quitting the game.

When a world opens, put a quest in all active accounts on all worlds in the server to join the new world. Offering them a level 1 or level 2 flag for doing so. It isn't much, and may lead to a lot more barbarian villages, but it will expand the maps and allow players to reach the great heights and strategies that we once had and had to use back in the day.

Thank you all for your time, and I hope this will help the community grow, and if not grow then at least allow those that are here to grow their accounts further.

(Speaking mostly for the outter servers, not so much the international. But it could improve many aspects in the game for all servers including new strategies, more farming, more villages to waste your nobles on, etc.)

- Chaos.

Deleted User - 10301732

I wanted to thank everyone that voted. It's looking like it'll pass, and hopefully this will help the world's be a bit bigger ^.^

Deleted User - 10368546

For me personally TW died when they started removing/limiting barbarian villages on maps. Like before world would start there was MANY barbs to farm and it would take LONG time before they would all get conquered so you could farm them to grow quicker or noble them if that was what you were into. Now I don't play often because I don't like what TW has become but worlds I did play/play now all seem to have like 17 barbs in total and they get conquered in lvery short time, and everyone is farming same barbs. Now only that I've noticed there would be like 4-5 players around me first day, and they restart and their barbs are gone, whats the point of removing those barbs too?

Deleted User - 10301732

The reason behind removing those barbarian villages was to avoided players cheating by creating many barbarian villages around them with the help of friends and outside sources.

I'm sure it wasn't a decision that Innogames took lightly, and it had some thought behind it to negate the effects of those that would cheat.

I'm no mod, and I'm not 100% sure. But that was what I was told the reasoning was.

As for less barbarian villages, it made the game more skill based and pay to win. Which makes things difficult for those that are mid level in skill or free to play. More barbarians definitely helped even the playing field, but I think the goal in that was to limit the length of time for worlds. If we look, World 5 lasted more than 8 years and many players get burned out and quit far before 2 years are even finished.

Deleted User - 11549951

a lot of people used to do multis using tor.
a lot of people still do.

I'm curious to know if you think this would cause people to just send an email to some random email account and achieve the flag or if this would require a player to actually join?
if so, creating multis to create barbs would end up getting you flags as well...

Thanks for your attention.
I will vote once there is a clear answer to this!

all the best


Non-stop Poster
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Dead worlds won't lead to better ones. People joining a world just to get a flag won't make them more likely to actually play the world than it would before. As pointed out above, TW doesn't make every player who joins go barb either, as otherwise this would just be an easy way for people to abuse by inviting a ton of friends near them and then having them delete and thus barb. So basically what giving a flag away to get more accounts on a world would just create worlds with lots of dead accounts of people who have no plans of playing and or sticking around. This might spread people out more, but wouldn't likely create a significant amount of more barbs. If you want more barbs, petition for their to be a high barb span rate. This will just cause more blank spaces on world maps as people who join just for the flag eventually get deleted from the world and leave an empty space in their wake.

Deleted User - 10301732

I'm curious to know if you think this would cause people to just send an email to some random email account and achieve the flag or if this would require a player to actually join?
if so, creating multis to create barbs would end up getting you flags as well...

It would require your account to join the world for your account to get the flag, my friend. There's no way to gather multiple flags for multi accounting because flags are locked into accounts. Sure, cheaters could exploit this ever so slightly. But with the system currently in place, it would be just a small thing those cheaters would do with their actions.

- World opens.
- Players in currently open worlds get a new quest stating to join the new world.
- When they join the world, the quest will be completed and they can complete the quest from their own account on any of the other worlds.
- The team would have to ensure it can only be collected once per new world and once per account.

Does this answer your questions?

Deleted User - 10301732

Dead worlds won't lead to better ones. People joining a world just to get a flag won't make them more likely to actually play the world than it would before. As pointed out above, TW doesn't make every player who joins go barb either, as otherwise this would just be an easy way for people to abuse by inviting a ton of friends near them and then having them delete and thus barb. So basically what giving a flag away to get more accounts on a world would just create worlds with lots of dead accounts of people who have no plans of playing and or sticking around. This might spread people out more, but wouldn't likely create a significant amount of more barbs. If you want more barbs, petition for their to be a high barb span rate. This will just cause more blank spaces on world maps as people who join just for the flag eventually get deleted from the world and leave an empty space in their wake.

This isn't to make the world's more alive, this was to slightly increase the amount of barbarian villages in the world and to slightly expand the borders of the maps. I'm sorry if you have some pent up anger about a different subject, but I suggest you attempt to change it. This is only for the slight increases stated before, if you do not wish to have these increases then you have every right to vote no in this poll. However, I would like for you to help me to help us lead toward a balanced and more versatile experience for the top pros and mid ranked players.


Non-stop Poster
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As pointed out above. TW purposely does not make every player who joins a world go barb after either deleting themselves or simply being deleted from the world via a lack of activity. The majority of players simply disappear off the map. This is to prevent cheating in game and the ability for people to create barbs around them via inviting friends/fake accounts near them who have no interest in actually playing the world. If you want "bigger" worlds, then the improvement idea should be to increase the barb spawn rate from instead of the typical rate to perhaps double that or something. This would mean that worlds are created with twice the barbs as normal and thus your desire for a more "filled" out map would incur.

What is the point of trying to achieve this result by going a round-a-bout way and trying to get more dead accounts on a world that will have no desire to play the world? These accounts that join the world for just flags will eventually be deleted from the world and leave "empty spaces" in their wake that players will no have to deal with. Their is no "pent up anger" lol, I just simply believe you haven't fully thought through the suggested idea, and that thier would be a better way to get the result that I believe you want of more barbs and thus bigger and more spread out worlds. Maybe next time try countering someone's point of view with facts or at least thoughtful opinions instead of misguided remarks about a specific individual to try and show why the points that someone brings up are wrong and yours are right.


Non-stop Poster
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Btw close all other tribalwars servers make only .net playable and youll see players from other servers come over.

Deleted User - 848897645

Merging the servers might just be the easiest way forward really.
I mean, when was the last world where players had access to the outer K's? Like k41/51 and k5/95 and such.

Granted I have been away for like 7 years or so, but reaching those areas used to be fairly regular. But going back through some of the old worlds, I'm seeing to it be fairly often that players barely even get out of the 4 center K's

Deleted User - 848897645

Maybe not locking worlds before they are completed might help as well.
Just scanning around and noticing that, for example, w112 can't be joined, but is still running. Yeah looking at it now it'd be stupid to want to join, but if the option to join was always there the world could have kept expanding so players starting on the rim would have a chance to grow while the bigger players smacked at eachother.

Cause that used to be an option.
Players would either start right away or wait and join a couple months in to get a start on the Rim where there would be less initial interplayer competition for growth. And you may say that you cant compete when you start later but it isn't accurate at all.
W56,for example, I started in k62 I think it was. Hit 10/11mil by the time I quit and I was far from the only one who managed something similar or greater

Deleted User - 10301732

As pointed out above. TW purposely does not make every player who joins a world go barb after either deleting themselves or simply being deleted from the world via a lack of activity. The majority of players simply disappear off the map. This is to prevent cheating in game and the ability for people to create barbs around them via inviting friends/fake accounts near them who have no interest in actually playing the world. If you want "bigger" worlds, then the improvement idea should be to increase the barb spawn rate from instead of the typical rate to perhaps double that or something. This would mean that worlds are created with twice the barbs as normal and thus your desire for a more "filled" out map would incur.

What is the point of trying to achieve this result by going a round-a-bout way and trying to get more dead accounts on a world that will have no desire to play the world? These accounts that join the world for just flags will eventually be deleted from the world and leave "empty spaces" in their wake that players will no have to deal with. Their is no "pent up anger" lol, I just simply believe you haven't fully thought through the suggested idea, and that thier would be a better way to get the result that I believe you want of more barbs and thus bigger and more spread out worlds. Maybe next time try countering someone's point of view with facts or at least thoughtful opinions instead of misguided remarks about a specific individual to try and show why the points that someone brings up are wrong and yours are right.

It doesn't matter if their villages disappear. The villages that they spawn around them will not disappear. We aren't going for drastic changes, as I keep telling you, we are going for slight balance changes to ensure that their is a better chance for other players using different strategies. You say I haven't thought my idea through, but you keep focusing on the wrong things and throwing out the same washed up and ignorant point. It will offer slight changes and that's all I'm going for. Quit acting aggressive toward me just because you fail to see the bigger picture. >.>

Deleted User - 10301732

Btw close all other tribalwars servers make only .net playable and youll see players from other servers come over.

This would be a very bad idea. Have you played the outter servers? I spend almost all of my time in outter servers these days, and they're much better than .net sometimes. I recommend you go play a year or two in another server, learn the language, and learn their ways of life by befriending these people. Don't offer a solution that kills the outter servers if you don't ever utilize them yourself, please. :)

Deleted User - 11549951

It would require your account to join the world for your account to get the flag, my friend. There's no way to gather multiple flags for multi accounting because flags are locked into accounts. Sure, cheaters could exploit this ever so slightly. But with the system currently in place, it would be just a small thing those cheaters would do with their actions.

- World opens.
- Players in currently open worlds get a new quest stating to join the new world.
- When they join the world, the quest will be completed and they can complete the quest from their own account on any of the other worlds.
- The team would have to ensure it can only be collected once per new world and once per account.

Does this answer your questions?

To an extent.
the variation i was exploring was the one whereby a player can send out as many emails as he/she wants to, such as is possible with the current " invite a friend" feature.

What you have just described would only provide 1 player with a max of 1 flag for joining the world which doesn't seem to cause any problems on this end, from what i can foresee.

Deleted User - 10368546

Maybe not locking worlds before they are completed might help as well.
Just scanning around and noticing that, for example, w112 can't be joined, but is still running. Yeah looking at it now it'd be stupid to want to join, but if the option to join was always there the world could have kept expanding so players starting on the rim would have a chance to grow while the bigger players smacked at eachother.

Cause that used to be an option.
Players would either start right away or wait and join a couple months in to get a start on the Rim where there would be less initial interplayer competition for growth. And you may say that you cant compete when you start later but it isn't accurate at all.
W56,for example, I started in k62 I think it was. Hit 10/11mil by the time I quit and I was far from the only one who managed something similar or greater

I remember when I first started playing, I joined a world maybe year or so late, and it was possible to even join worlds that started earlier than that one. Nowadays it seems registrations get locked way too early. It was fun to join worlds that are already running for months/years and farm full barbs and then noble 10k villages and not waste time building them up lol...