Thought this might be worth a new thread...
Alliance terms - 23.07.2013
The tribes Varyag and PFF are allied.
This means we work as a team and for the benefit of both parties involved.
The tribes' leaderships hope that this will prove to be a long and fruitful arrangement for the members of both tribes.
No restrictions have been imposed on individual players' expansion; all we ask is that each tribe do their best to respect each other.
The alliance treaty is simple:
a) Respect neighbouring tribes' personal space
b) Work together towards removing common enemies
c) Give one week's notice of termination of alliance
The alliance terms were established at a low ebb for Varyag, just after Garrock had left the world and Varyag was in utter disarray. For PFF, there was always the tacit understanding that Jäger were a part of that treaty and we've proceeded on that basis. There have clearly been issues in the past, especially over claims in the border areas as would be expected in even the strongest alliance, but those were always resolved relatively amicably.
The alliance worked well for all 3 tribes and over time a further aim was implicitly added to the above: continue to move northward and eventually destroy Barcode. There was no mention of 'destroying Barcode' actually meaning 'merge Barcode'.
Now, many of the other tribes will take this as an example of Varyag, PFF and Jäger being 'huggers'. Fine, think what you will, and scream it out loud on the externals. Attempts to break the alliance by pointing to 'one tribe benefiting more' or Jäger and PFF being 'puppets' or 'hoes' were feeble, transparent and laughable; the externals equivalent of calling someone chicken in the hope they'll do what you want - nice try, but no cigar. All tribes use diplomacy to their advantage and wars are generally fought if a tribe pretty much knows it will win or if a tribe has no choice. The rabid, bellicose tripe about being 'fighters not huggers' tends to be applied by tribes looking to break diplomacy which is not in their favour. We do what we feel fits with our ethos, and dumping an alliance 'cause others don't like it very much ain't our style.
External factors could not have broken the alliance. Only a member of that alliance could have achieved it, and that's exactly what Varyag has done by showing complete disregard for the alliance terms, merging almost an entire targetted tribe that they had no border with, and then trying to bully Jäger into accepting a disrespectful solution. Instead of kicking the recruits, Varyag offered to move Jäger to frontlines. Ridiculous, especially when our friend Mist had already started sending typically arrogant mails to Jäger telling them to keep out of his continent. Varyag are also pointing to Jäger's position on recruiting Sexy as unacceptable. Really? Varyag is free to recruit whatever it wants but when Jäger threaten to do the same in retaliation for breaking the terms of the alliance agreement it's insurrection? Bullshit.
Alliance was terminated on...24/10/2013 @ 1400 ST
Varyag has deemed that its allies are surplus to requirements and tried to recruit the win. It has shown a complete lack of respect for its ally Jäger, and by extension, for PFF. Let's see how that pans out for Barcode...oops, sorry, I mean Varyag. Hard to tell the difference any more
Alliance terms - 23.07.2013
The tribes Varyag and PFF are allied.
This means we work as a team and for the benefit of both parties involved.
The tribes' leaderships hope that this will prove to be a long and fruitful arrangement for the members of both tribes.
No restrictions have been imposed on individual players' expansion; all we ask is that each tribe do their best to respect each other.
The alliance treaty is simple:
a) Respect neighbouring tribes' personal space
b) Work together towards removing common enemies
c) Give one week's notice of termination of alliance
The alliance terms were established at a low ebb for Varyag, just after Garrock had left the world and Varyag was in utter disarray. For PFF, there was always the tacit understanding that Jäger were a part of that treaty and we've proceeded on that basis. There have clearly been issues in the past, especially over claims in the border areas as would be expected in even the strongest alliance, but those were always resolved relatively amicably.
The alliance worked well for all 3 tribes and over time a further aim was implicitly added to the above: continue to move northward and eventually destroy Barcode. There was no mention of 'destroying Barcode' actually meaning 'merge Barcode'.
Now, many of the other tribes will take this as an example of Varyag, PFF and Jäger being 'huggers'. Fine, think what you will, and scream it out loud on the externals. Attempts to break the alliance by pointing to 'one tribe benefiting more' or Jäger and PFF being 'puppets' or 'hoes' were feeble, transparent and laughable; the externals equivalent of calling someone chicken in the hope they'll do what you want - nice try, but no cigar. All tribes use diplomacy to their advantage and wars are generally fought if a tribe pretty much knows it will win or if a tribe has no choice. The rabid, bellicose tripe about being 'fighters not huggers' tends to be applied by tribes looking to break diplomacy which is not in their favour. We do what we feel fits with our ethos, and dumping an alliance 'cause others don't like it very much ain't our style.
External factors could not have broken the alliance. Only a member of that alliance could have achieved it, and that's exactly what Varyag has done by showing complete disregard for the alliance terms, merging almost an entire targetted tribe that they had no border with, and then trying to bully Jäger into accepting a disrespectful solution. Instead of kicking the recruits, Varyag offered to move Jäger to frontlines. Ridiculous, especially when our friend Mist had already started sending typically arrogant mails to Jäger telling them to keep out of his continent. Varyag are also pointing to Jäger's position on recruiting Sexy as unacceptable. Really? Varyag is free to recruit whatever it wants but when Jäger threaten to do the same in retaliation for breaking the terms of the alliance agreement it's insurrection? Bullshit.
Alliance was terminated on...24/10/2013 @ 1400 ST
Varyag has deemed that its allies are surplus to requirements and tried to recruit the win. It has shown a complete lack of respect for its ally Jäger, and by extension, for PFF. Let's see how that pans out for Barcode...oops, sorry, I mean Varyag. Hard to tell the difference any more