Still failing to understand clear and simple posts, Mika.
Still failing to understand clear and simple posts, Mika.
Still failing to understand clear and simple posts, Mika.
Mate, stop patronising me. You are a kid and you act like one. What you think you know about strategy and intentions, I have already long forgotten, babe. Go study!
Your post is so wide of the mark on so many levels that it's laughable.
And if you don't want to be patronised just stop displaying your ignorance. Simples.
clearly superior to your strategic mind since he still has a chance to win this world.
Just to clarify, 'cause I think you're a bit confused, Shaun.
What people within PFF consider as being the worst examples of Varyag's shabby treatment of its allies may differ somewhat.
The decision to end the alliance was unanimous.
Not talking about if your reasons were justified to end the alliance as you can end the alliance anytime you want. I just wished people would go for the "we want to war you and grow" route instead of the whole "you called her a whore", "you merged in a tribe 30 Ks away from us" excuses that are painful to hear.
Btw, my quote I pasted is based on the Jager topic and what they done and how similar it is to what Varyag done which was used against them, not if your tribe agrees to end the alliance with Varyag or what not.
Not talking about if your reasons were justified to end the alliance as you can end the alliance anytime you want. I just wished people would go for the "we want to war you and grow" route instead of the whole "you called her a whore", "you merged in a tribe 30 Ks away from us" excuses that are painful to hear.
"you merged in a tribe 30 Ks away from us"
Pretty sad that you only remember those two arguments from the loads that have been posted, go re-read the reasons and try to remember what has happened before you try to act like you're better than anyone in pff or anyone who's rimmed you. grow up.
wat, how were the barcode recruits 30Ks away from us?
Sorry, forgot to include that Alestasis used proxy accounts to attack PFF, which has been claimed without evidence anyway.
Don't be an idiot. He clearly made a typo and meant to say '3'.
he has said "The other side of the world" before, how is that any different? he fails to understand that a merge on a couple of K's away can change the situation for PFF, or is that too hard for you to understand too?
The three of you can choose to believe what you want. If that helps assuage the damage to your egos concerning the monumental cock-up you made of the Varyag project then go right ahead.
But we would not have dropped the alliance had you not recruited Barcode - and even after that, we tried to maintain the alliance a helluva lot harder than you did.
There's no duality or contradiction or double standards or any of that bullshit you keep clinging lost all perspective and respect for your allies and thought you had the win all wrapped up.
Guess not, huh...