Angels Handy Tips XD


Angels Handy Tips

About:Just trying to be helpful and help people in need ^^

Tip 1: Are you pissed off because you see a bunch of noobs around you and you don't want to noble barbs but they are they the only good villa around you? Well then this is what you do... First you send a message to some neighbors trying to be friends at lease thats what they think your actually mailing them for but the truth is because you see they are nooby acc and so you will be acc sitting them time to time to make their villa stronger and than once the day comes when you have given them all the advice to get stronger you noble them. PS: You should tell them not to build troops to only build their buildings because you will protect them that always gets them :]

Tip 2:Farm everyone in your 30x30 no duh x.x competition is no good.

Tip 3:Destroy near by small tribes because once they have more members they can attack you together and thats no good :p

Tip 4:Pretend to be friends with everyone around you till you are ready to be able to destroy all of them and farm you don't want anyone attacking you till then so be sure to be friendly.

And that has been Pauls Handy Tips :] XD


Actually, I love when people attack me. It's easier to backtime, then to dodge a backtime.


Tip 1: should not be used, yes it is a effective tactic for your own gain but this seriously will lower the number of players on there learning stages to actually quit altogether.

Perhaps the game will be alot better without players such as yourself.

Angel you should learn how to play the game properly, so many guides in the forums you should read and maybe you could do well the genuine way ;).
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A humble player

Tip 1: should not be used, yes it is a effective tactic for your own gain but this seriously will lower the number of players on there learning stages to actually quit altogether.

Perhaps the game will be alot better without players such as yourself.

Angel you should learn how to play the game properly, so many guides in the forums you should read and maybe you could do well the genuine way ;).

What is the genuine way?


Tip 1: should not be used, yes it is a effective tactic for your own gain but this seriously will lower the number of players on there learning stages to actually quit altogether.

Perhaps the game will be alot better without players such as yourself.

Angel you should learn how to play the game properly, so many guides in the forums you should read and maybe you could do well the genuine way ;).


The number of players has recently gone down, and I believe it can be attributed to people like you, Angel. If you're going to do well, at least do it the right way


x/x I wasn't being serious with this it was just a joke ...


Nobling a players village without misleading a new player for your own gain.

If TIP 1 was used on to me on my first world i do not think i would continue playing.


I would probably quit but than come back in like a 2weeks or so...


This is actually my first I could honestly say if that happened to me...I would probably be too aggrivated to continue playing. I mean really the more experianced players who have been playing for a couple years should be doing their best to teach new players. I can't help but notice most tribes expect you to have years of experiance and a long list of accomplishments. Thats my two cents.



The number of players has recently gone down, and I believe it can be attributed to people like you, Angel. If you're going to do well, at least do it the right way

Actually, I would attribute it to the increasingly higher rates of co-playing (and the fact that co-playing more and more frequently means a small tribe worth of people on one account), the frequency of highly selective premades intentionally scattering themselves away from each other, to initially dominate their area, and thus suffocating out any less experienced players very early on, and things of the like. This game has become very much about being part of the right clique anymore.


Be it right or wrong working out who is around you, and who you can get to build there villages up for yourself is part of the game. No point pinning tw recent fall in numbers on it. Once its happened to you it won't again. I agree new players should be given a change and taught but it is a war game. These listed ideas are all part of war.


Actually, I would attribute it to the increasingly higher rates of co-playing (and the fact that co-playing more and more frequently means a small tribe worth of people on one account), the frequency of highly selective premades intentionally scattering themselves away from each other, to initially dominate their area, and thus suffocating out any less experienced players very early on, and things of the like. This game has become very much about being part of the right clique anymore.

i might actually agree with this, the tribe i've had the most fun in, was not a premade, it was a tribe that we made last when a bunch of noobs most playing on their first world, find a way to survived and gain skill


New players = competition

We must eliminate them before they have a chance to progress on other worlds!


Still if someone were to use this concept they should at lease be nice enough to tell the player advice for the next time. If you try to eliminate new player whats the point its not really fun because your basically having it easy you should give them a chance to grow because new players with just some instruction could be able to be very helpful in a tribe.


New players = competition

We must eliminate them before they have a chance to progress on other worlds!

No new competition = Same old game = Boring = Tribal wars goes down

Originally Posted by pat-daddy
Actually, I would attribute it to the increasingly higher rates of co-playing (and the fact that co-playing more and more frequently means a small tribe worth of people on one account), the frequency of highly selective premades intentionally scattering themselves away from each other, to initially dominate their area, and thus suffocating out any less experienced players very early on, and things of the like. This game has become very much about being part of the right clique anymore.

I compeltely agree. I mean, if there are no new players to become new competition, then this game wouldn't get better. It would just be the same people in the top ranks and the same people in the top premade tribes. For the survival of all our enjoyment for this game, new players are essential, however they are not being accommedated so they can learn. They are just killed off by the top players early on with no chance to get better.


No new competition = Same old game = Boring = Tribal wars goes down


I compeltely agree. I mean, if there are no new players to become new competition, then this game wouldn't get better. It would just be the same people in the top ranks and the same people in the top premade tribes. For the survival of all our enjoyment for this game, new players are essential, however they are not being accommedated so they can learn. They are just killed off by the top players early on with no chance to get better.

Pfft. K obviously my post was sarcastic but...those same players rarely ever join world after world (i.e join 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, etc.).

Anyways, pointless argument.


Pointless arguement? Are you saying it is perfectly fine the way it is for new players?


I am saying what I am saying because a lot of top players read these forums. And by some wild luck one might actually think "Hmm, in the next premade I make I will let noobs in if they show potencial" at the very least. I hate to sound preachy, but considering this sort of thing effects me, I will speak about it.


I am saying what I am saying because a lot of top players read these forums. And by some wild luck one might actually think "Hmm, in the next premade I make I will let noobs in if they show potencial" at the very least. I hate to sound preachy, but considering this sort of thing effects me, I will speak about it.

there have been several premades, that have been made for the sole purpose to teach new players, maybe not on this world but i've seen it before