ANYONE can join........


I'm xAPratte00x and i just made an acount in World 49. Dont worry, I dont suck, I have a good acount on World 47. I just made a tribe named Run For Glory ( R.F.G ). My recruitment is always open. Anyone can join. Before you know it, if you join along with many others. We'd be a huge and powerful tribe. The earlier you join, the more privilages you can have. Nevermind how bad my acount is. You can be bad too, or you could be a Tribal Wars GOD. I dont give a crap. You just need to folow our code: Respect others, You HAVE to be active, NEVER betray another, and dont start wars without telling me. Again, ANYONE can join! You dont see many tribes that do this. Care to join? Contact me if you want to.

:swordsman: xAPratte00x :swordsman:


I don't believe he was asking for people to spam his thread with useless comments.

He accepts anyone that wants to play for fun. Nothing wrong with that.



Seriously....and YES, it is mass recruiting!

:swordsman: xAPratte00x :swordsman: