Anyone remember this guy?
Greetings all,
My name is 'Kiing Angel', leader and founder of the tribe «Fear». By now most of you must know me or my tribe. Just today one of my most best council members left world 42 to go be active in his 19mill acc in world 7.This got me thinking and it made me cry (Not heavy crying just tears falling down face a little) This message is to tell you all what «Fear» is, stands for, and why it is still alive. Just the story of who we are if you are not familiar with us. We hope this message will help us find true members who would be a great addition to the tribe and help it grow even more or even if you dont join help you learn something about life.
The real tribe of «Fear» was started in 2006 by my grandpa ‘Tobor’. He had built this tribe hoping to find the best players in tribalwars and bond with them build a strong tribe and get that tribe to number one. He was a honorable man but he was to old to play tribalwars. His tribe had gotten to the top 5 in world 7 but one night he died of a heart disease. What to do, I didn’t know. I didn’t go on tribalwars for a few days nor did I leave my house. My whole life I was abused by my dad who was separated from my mom and well my grandpa was the only one who understood me. A few days latter after he died my family was giving a DVD which my grandpa had made of his will. In the video he gave his house and cars away to my parents, all his money separated between me and my brother and the last thing he wanted to give was his tribalwars account. This had confused me because I didn’t get what was so important about his account to him. In the video he said that his account was one of his most prized position which was odd because my grandpa was very rich so how could a game be most important to him? I watched the video more and more trying to figure out why would he want me to take his account and continue this so called Legacy he wanted to create. Then it finally came to me. My grandpa had never considered tribalwars a game it wasn’t fake for him. He told me these very words a week before he died. “A game is a game you win some and you lose some but games are where some people who aren’t as fortunate as you escape to. Their life is empty and they face abuse but that is why we must remember behind the screen of a computer is a face of a human being”. Those were his words to me and now as write this it makes me cry. His dream was to have the tribe name «Fear» to always be remembered and he choose me for this task to make me learn about never giving up. My grandpa use to tell me I can do anything and now I believe that. In 2009 once world 42 was opened I didn’t join immediately at first I had joined and made a tribe named 'The Skull Of Hearts'and weather you believe it or not and yes this may be shocking but it was the first tribe I had ever created in my 3-4 years in tribalwars.I didn't think about my grandpa until a week after when my mom was showing me old pictures. Then I remembered how when I went to tell his tribe that my grandpa was dead of a heart disease how sad they were. They had expected me to take over but I just couldn't it had to many memories and so I ended up not doing what he asked of me but that day I knew this was my chance to complete his goal I knew how hard it would be but I was up for the challenge. I quickly stopped playing the other accounts I was playing in other worlds so I could be active in world 42. . I restarted and ended up in K85 by luck. At that time K85 had already started and was ruled by a tribe known as -Doom-. I quickly sent out messages instead of invitations explaining to people of my brand new tribe. Some read, some didn’t, some read but didn't reply. The ones who read and sent me a reply that was good enough got A invitation. The tribe was now growing and we passed the tribe -Doom-. They soon became allies with us but then as we grew I knew my tribe needed to take charge so we wared this tribe -Doom- which at that time was twice our size. I was scared for my tribe but once I saw everyone in action I knew I could do it and we did. After we defeated them we started to force merge some tribe which is were we had found some of our greatest members which we have today. The tribe grew and grew and we got to the top. Tribes began to see us and we gained respect by many tribes at the same time. Now by now you must have read most of this message and are wondering what’s the point is, am I right? Well the point of this letter is to show people that you should never give up on your dreams. Sure this is A game but the people you meet are real. You shouldn't make fun of others because you don’t know how tough their life might be. My name is Angel Ceneac in tribalwars Kiing Angel but you all may call me Angel. To some I might be a noob and hey I never have a problem with being called a noob because it doesn't really affect me only a noob would really get affected by that word. I have played for a long time and I have met some good people.My tribe will get to the top no matter what some of you may not believe me but I don’t care. We will get destroyed like most tribes but we won’t give up the best members in the tribe we will form «Fear» once again and this time even stronger. We will always recreate and never give up. «Fear» never gives up and we will some how find a way to get to the top. I hope this message will allow us to find some new good members and even if you don’t join I hope it teaches you all to never give up on your dreams. Even if you don’t wish to join please reply but I would just like you all to remember one thing... we are in a evil world some are hurt and terrified and luckily we have them in tribalwars. We shouldn't make fun of race culture,religion or anything like that we should respect people and make friends. Never forget this one line...…“A game is a game you win some and you lose some but games are where some people who aren’t as fortunate as you escape to. Their life is empty and they face abuse but that is why we must remember behind the screen of a computer is a face of a human being”. Never forget it and I hope this message makes a big difference for you all.