I can honestly say that I did not invite a single member of the tribe to post here.
I suspect that every post from members of my tribe, past and present, was made in a direct response to your direct assault on Apoc (and me). As I said I didn't ask for the support. Some of the "support" isn't quite as I would present it. That said I cannot argue with the fact that my tribe-mates have demonstrated such solidarity.
Personally I'm touched at the response. It demonstrates perfectly why Apoc beat your tribes. If you don't understand that then you clearly don't understand the sort of feelings of brother(sister) hood that underpin the most successful military units around the world. You might like to look up "The Glorious Gloucesters". Personally I feel closer to "The Few" (if you don't get the abbreviated reference then please ask me to embellish).
Anyway, I feel I have been playing to your delusions of self-importance too much so I will simply say, post something new or be ignored (no, I'm not using the foum mechanic yet...)
Tbh, I didn't think you asked for the support personally. It's not hard to figure out how it went down (they are way too predictable). You, like everyone else, have your weaknesses but at least you always maintained some level of integrity.
You forget that it was due to us few sticking up for each other that your mob came on here in the first place, so yes I do completely understand that concept. Even historically, when the forums were alive it was not due to the Apoc posters - our side has always posted and stood together, the difference being is we maintained a higher standard.
To be truly honest, if my backup was the level of back up you were getting, I would be very embaressed and would rather stand alone, just in case other people thought I was anything at all like them.
PS You might miss me if you ignore me - there would be nobody left for you to chat with

Even poor Peter has disappeared (I'm almost starting to miss him
